Power BI Tutorials [Beginners + Advanced]

If you want to start your career in data analytics, check out our Power BI tutorials. All these Power BI beginner to advanced tutorials will help you grow your data visualization and analytics skills.

I have created all these Power BI beginner tutorials with simple step-by-step instructions, which will be easy to read and understand. For advanced users, I have added a lot of advanced topics like DAX formulas, data modeling, interactive dashboards, etc.

Microsoft Power BI is an interactive data visualization software product developed by Microsoft with a primary focus on business intelligence (BI). It is part of the Microsoft Power Platform and allows users to create dashboards, reports, and visualizations to make sense of their data. Power BI provides a suite of tools that enable users to connect to a wide variety of data sources, transform and clean the data, and create a data model for analysis.

Power BI is available in several different forms:

  1. Power BI Desktop: This is a free application that you can install on your local computer. It allows you to connect to data, transform it, and build reports, which you can then publish to the Power BI service.
  2. Power BI Service: This is an online SaaS (Software as a Service) service where you can publish your Power BI reports and dashboards, creating a shared workspace for collaboration and insights sharing.
  3. Power BI Mobile Apps: These apps are available for Windows, iOS, and Android devices, allowing you to access and interact with your Power BI dashboards and reports on the go.
  4. Power BI Pro: This is a subscription service that offers additional features over the free Power BI service, such as increased data capacity, more frequent data refresh, and more extensive sharing and collaboration features.
  5. Power BI Premium: This is an enterprise-level service that provides more extensive capabilities in terms of performance, governance, and scalability. It is designed for large organizations that require a dedicated cloud infrastructure for their BI needs.

The core capabilities of Power BI include:

  • Data connectivity: Power BI can connect to a wide range of data sources, including files, databases, and cloud services.
  • Data transformation and modeling: With Power BI, you can transform raw data into a meaningful structure and create relationships between different data sets.
  • Visualization: Power BI provides a rich set of visualizations that can help you create compelling reports and interactive dashboards.
  • Collaboration: Power BI’s integration with other Microsoft products, like Teams and SharePoint, facilitates collaboration within teams and organizations.
  • Customization: Developers can customize Power BI by creating custom visuals and integrating with other applications using Power BI APIs.

Power BI is widely used for its ability to bring disparate data sets into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights, which are easily shareable across organizations.

To learn more about Microsoft Power BI, check out first the Power BI beginner tutorials, which will help you to learn Power BI from basic to advanced level.

Power BI tutorial for beginners

Here is the list of Power BI tutorials for beginners.

Power bi free vs pro vs premiumKeep reading to know the difference between Power BI FREE, PRO, and Premium versions.
Create a report in Power BI desktopThis tutorial explains how to create a report in Power BI from an Excel file and from SharePoint.
Power bi tableLearn how to use the Power BI table visualization.
Data Labels in Power BIThis tutorial explains how to work with data labels in Power BI.
How to change data type in Power BIThis tutorial helps you to learn how to change the data type of a column in Power BI.
Add Title to Power Bi DashboardLearn how to add a title to the Power BI dashboard.
Power BI CardLearn how to use Power BI card visualization.
Power BI Pie ChartLearn how to use Power BI Pie chart visualization.
Line Chart in Power BIThis Power BI tutorial explains how to work with Line Chart in Power BI.
Clustered Column Chart in Power BILearn how to work with Clustered Column Charts in Power BI.
Power BI BookmarksThis Power BI tutorial explains how to work with bookmarks in Power BI.
Stacked Bar Chart in Power BIHere, you will get to know how to work with a Stacked bar chart in Power BI.
Power BI Matrix Multiple ColumnLearn how to work with Power BI matric multiple columns.
Power BI Multi-row CardLearn how to use multi-row card in Power BI.
Get Month Name from Month Number in Power BILearn how to get the month name from the month number in Power BI.
Power Query ExamplesHere is a list of 25 Power Query examples.
Create table using Power Query in Power BILearn how to create a table using Power Query in Power BI.
Power Query DateLearn how to use Power Query Date with a lot of examples.
Calculated column in Power BILearn how to work with a calculated column in Power BI.
Power BI calculated column based on another columnThis tutorial explains how to add a calculated column based on another column in Power BI.
Merge Column in Power BILearn how to merge columns in Power BI.
Merge Tables in Power BILearn how to merge tables in Power BI.
How to merge columns in Power QueryThis Power BI tutorial explains how to merge columns using Power Query.
Append Columns in Power QueryLearn how to append columns in Power Query in Power BI.
Power Query Add ColumnHere are a few examples of Power Query add columns.
How to add column from another table in Power BIThis Power BI tutorial explains how to add a column from another table in Power BI.
Enable TDS in Power Platform Admin CenterLearn how to enable TDS in Power Platform admin center.
cross filter direction power biLearn about cross-filter direction in Power BI.
How to sort by multiple columns in Power BILearn how to sort by multiple columns in Power BI.
Power BI nanLearn how to fix an error “Power BI nan error”
This content isn’t availableLearn how to fix the Power BI error, “This content isn’t available.”
Access to the resource is forbiddenHere, you will learn how to fix the error “Access to the resource is forbidden” that appears in Power BI.

Power BI advanced tutorials

Here is the list of advanced Power BI tutorials.

Dataverse Power BILearn how to work with Dataverse in Power BI.
Export Power BI Reports to ExcelLearn how to export Power BI reports to Excel.
Export Power BI reports to PDFThis tutorial explains how to export Power BI reports to PDF.
Power BI Report Export to PDFHow to report a Power BI report to PDF.
Power BI Group ByUnderstand the Power BI group by with examples.
Power BI Group by ColumnUnderstand with a few examples: Power BI Group by Column.
Power BI Sum Group byHere are a few examples of Power BI SUM Group by.
Power BI IFLearn how to use the if expression in Power BI.
Power BI if dateThis Power BI tutorial explains how to work with “Power BI if date”.
Power BI Count If TrueLearn with an example “Power BI Count If True”.
Power BI Switch Multiple ConditionsLearn how to work with multiple conditions in Power BI Switch.
Weekday function Power BIThis tutorial explains how to use the weekday function in Power BI with examples.
Power BI convert yyyymmdd to dateLearn how to convert yyyymmdd to date in Power BI.
Convert hours to minutes in Power BIThis Power BI tutorial explains how to convert hours to minutes in Power BI.
How to Convert Number to Text in Power BILearn how to convert a number to text in Power BI.
Concatenate Text and Number in Power BILearn how to concatenate text to number in Power BI.
Concatenate with Space in Power BILearn how to concatenate with space in Power BI.
Convert Text to Number in Power BILearn how to convert text to a number in Power BI.
Convert Decimal to Text in Power BILearn how to convert a decimal to text in Power BI.
Convert Date to Text in Power BIThis Power BI tutorial explains how to convert date to text in Power BI.
Power BI Percent of TotalWith various examples, learn about Power BI Percent of Total.
Power BI Percentage of Total by CategoryLearn with an example “Power BI Percentage of Total by Category”.
Power BI Percentage of Total by MonthLearn with an example, Power BI Percentage of Total by Month.
Calculate Percentage of Two Columns in Power BILearn how to Calculate the Percentage of Two Columns in Power BI.
Calculate Percentage of Rows in Power BILearn how to Calculate the Percentage of Rows in Power BI.
Power bi change color based on valueLearn how to change color based on value in Power BI.
Power BI date hierarchyLearn how to use Power BI date hierarchy.
remove Date Hierarchy in Power BILearn how to remove date hierarchy in Power BI.
Power BI Date SlicerLearn how to use Power BI Date slicer.
Power BI Date Slicer By MonthThis tutorial explains the Power BI Date slicer by month.
Add a Dropdown Slicer in Power BIThis Power BI tutorial explains how to work with a dropdown slicer in Power BI.
Power BI Slicer Multiple ColumnsLearn how to work with multiple columns in a Power BI slicer.
Power BI Slicer Sort DescendingLearn how to sort in descending in the Power BI slicer.
Power BI Slicer Multiple SelectionLearn how to use Power BI slicer multiple selection.
Power BI sort slicer by another columnThis tutorial explains how to sort a slicer by another column in Power BI.
How to sort slicer by measure in Power BIThis tutorial explains how to sort a slicer by measure in Power BI.
Power BI filter between two datesThis tutorial explains how to filter between two dates in Power BI.
Power BI date slicer between a default to todayThis tutorial explains how to use date slicer between default and today in Power BI.
What if Parameter in Power BILearn how to use the What if parameter in Power BI.
What if Parameter in Power BI filterLearn how to use the what if parameter in Power BI filter.
What if parameter Power BI DateLearn how to use what if parameter with Power BI Date.
Power BI what if Parameter PercentageLearn with an example about “Power BI what if Parameter Percentage”.
Power BI unsync slicersLearn how to unsync slicers in Power BI.
Remove blank from Power bi slicerLearn how to remove blanks from a slicer in Power BI.
Power BI split columnThis Power BI tutorial explains how to split columns in Power BI with a few examples.
conditional column power biLearn how to work with conditional column power bi.
Divide two columns in Power BIIn this tutorial, I have explained how to divide two columns in Power BI.
Power BI Compares Two Columns in Different TablesLearn how to compare two columns in different tables in Power BI.
Power BI Union Two TablesLearn how to do union of two tables in Power BI.
Power BI Sum Multiple columnsLearn how to sum multiple columns in Power BI.
create a relationship in power bi without unique valuesLearn how to create a relationship in Power BI without unique values.
power query remove rows based on conditionLearn how to remove rows based on conditions using Power Query.
Power BI Create Table From Another TableLearn to create a table from another table in Power BI.
Power BI Merge Two Tables without DuplicatesLearn how to merge two tables without duplicates in Power BI.
add column with a fixed value in Power BILearn how to add a column with a fixed value in Power BI.
add a column with the same value in Power BILearn how to add a column with the same value in Power BI.
add a column with a dropdown list in Power QueryLearn how to add a column with a dropdown list in Power Query.
add an empty column in Power BILearn how to add an empty column in Power BI.
duplicate multiple columns using Power QueryLearn how to duplicate multiple columns using Power Query.
Power Query Add Column If StatementLearn how to add a column in if statement in Power Query.
Power Query Add Column DateLearn how to add a date column in Power Query.
Power Query Check If Text is DateLearn how to check if text in date using Power Query.
Power BI sort table by DateLearn how to sort table by date in Power BI.
Power BI Distinct Count with filterLearn with examples Power BI Distinct Count with filter.
Power BI Add Leading Zero to MonthLearn how to add leading zero to month in Power BI.
Remove Leading Zeros in Power BILearn how to remove leading zeros in Power BI.
Power BI Zip Code Starting With 0Learn about Power BI Zip Code Starting With 0.
How to implement row level security (RLS) in Power BILearn how to implement row-level security in Power BI.
Object Level Security (OLS) in Power BILearn how to implement the Object Level Security (OLS) in Power BI.
Power BI Row level security vs Object level securityLearn the difference between row-level security and object-level security in Power BI.
Power BI Month over Month ChangeHere is an example of Power BI Month over Month Change.
Power BI Conditional Formatting Based on TextLearn how to do conditional formatting based on text in Power BI.
Power BI Conditional Formatting Positive and Negative NumbersLearn how to do conditional formatting with positive and negative numbers in Power BI.
Power BI Conditional Formatting Based On Field ValueLearn how to do conditional formatting based on a field value in Power BI.
Power BI Bar Chart Conditional Formatting Multiple ValuesLearn how to do conditional formatting multiple values in a Power BI bar chart.
Power BI IF NULL then 0Learn how to replace null with 0 in Power BI.
Contact your admin to enable embed code creation Power biLearn how to fix the error “Contact your admin to enable embed code creation Power bi”.
Power BI Date slicer only shows dates with dataLearn how to fix the issue “Power BI Date slicer only shows dates with data”.

Power BI Measure Tutorials

Here is the list of Power BI measure tutorials.

Difference between calculated column and measure in power biThis tutorial explains the difference between calculated column and measure in power bi.
Power BI Measure Sum and Subtract ExampleCheck out a complete example of Power BI measure Sum and Subtract.
Get Current Month Sales Report using Power BI MeasureBy using Power BI measure, check out how to get the current month’s sales report.
Power BI Measure If TextLearn with example of Power BI measure if text.
Check IF Text is NULL in Power BIThis Power BI tutorial explains how to check if text is null in Power BI.
Power BI Measure If Multiple ConditionsLearn how to use multiple conditions in Power BI measure if expression.
Power BI Group by MeasureLearn how to use Group by in Power BI measure.
Power BI Conditional Formatting Based on MeasureThis Power BI tutorial explains “Power BI Conditional Formatting Based on Measure”.

Power BI Dax tutorials

Check out the below Power BI DAX tutorials to learn DAX functions in Power BI.

Power BI dax functions list with examplesThis tutorial contains a list of Power BI DAX functions with examples.
Subtraction in Power bi using DAXLearn how to do subtraction in Power BI using DAX.
Difference between USERNAME() and USERPRINCIPALNAME() in Power BI DaxThis tutorial explains the difference between USERNAME() and USERPRINCIPALNAME() in Power BI Dax.
Power BI SwitchLearn how to use the Power BI DAX switch function.
Filter Date using Power BI DAXLearn how to filter date using Power BI DAX.
Power BI filter rows based on condition using DAXThis tutorial explains power bi filter rows based on condition.
Power BI Dax FilterLearn how to use the Power BI DAX filter with a few examples.
Power BI DAX Filter IfLearn how to work with Power BI DAX filter if.
Filter Blank Value in Power BIHow to filter blank values in Power BI using DAX.
Remove Filter From Power BI DAXLearn how to remove filters in Power BI DAX.
Power BI DAX Filter TableWith various examples, learn how to filter a table using Power BI DAX.
Power BI DAX Calendar FunctionLearn how to create a calendar table using DAX in Power BI.
Power bi Dax Today()This tutorial explains how to use the Today() function in Power BI DAX.
Power BI Dax Max FunctionThis Power BI DAX tutorial explains how to use the max() function in Power BI.
Power BI Dax Min FunctionThis Power BI tutorial explains how to use the min() function in Power BI DAX.
Power BI DAX Max DateLearn how to work with Power BI DAX Max Date.
Power BI DAX Min DateLearn how to use Power BI Min Date.
Power BI DAX Max FilterThis Power BI DAX tutorial explains how to use DAX Max Filter in Power BI.
Power BI DAX Min Date MinusHere is how to use Power BI DAX Min Date Minus.
Power BI DAX Min Date SumThis tutorial explains how to use Power BI DAX Min Date Sum.
Power BI DAX Min Date from TextThis tutorial explains Power BI DAX Min Date from Text
Power BI Dax Min FilterHere are a few examples of Power BI Dax Min Filter.
Power BI DAX CountLearn how to work with Power BI DAX Count with a few examples.
Power BI DAX ISBLANK vs ISEMPTYLearn the difference between Power BI DAX ISBLANK vs ISEMPTY.


I hope from these Power BI tutorials, you will learn about basic Power BI things as well as Power BI DAX functions. Also, the advanced Power BI tutorials help you to learn the advanced concepts of Power BI.

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