Power Query Add Column If Statement

Do you know how to add a custom column based on an if statement using the Power Query editor in Power BI? This Microsoft Power BI tutorial will let you add a custom column using the Power Query editor with examples.

  1. Power query add column if contains
  2. Power query add column if blank
  3. Power query add column if null
  4. Power query add column if and
  5. Power query add column if or
  6. Power query add column multiple if
  7. Power query add column each if
  8. Power query add column if it doesn’t exist
  9. Power query add column if an error
  10. Power query add column count if

Power query add column if else

Let us see how we can add the custom column based on the if-else using the power query editor in Power BI.

In this example, I will use the Products Table data mentioned below. You can download the sample data from here.

  • Load the table data into the Power BI desktop, In the ribbon, under the Home option click on the Transform data option.
  • Choose the custom column under the add column option.
  • Now, enter the New column Name, In the  Custom Column Formula box apply the below-mentioned formula:
  • Once the formula has been added to the formula box, click on the Ok button.
= if [Profit] >350 then "True" else "False"
Power query add column if else example
Power query add column if else example
  • The screenshot below shows that the custom column has been added with the expected result value based on the condition it displays True / False.
=Table.AddColumn (#"Added Custom", "IF Condition", each if [Profit] >350 then "True" else "False"
  • Click on the Close and Apply option from the ribbon so that the changes will be reflected on the Power BI desktop.
Power query add column if else
Power query add column if else

This is how to add the custom column based on the if-else using the power query editor in Power BI.

Also read: How to duplicate multiple columns using Power Query

Power query add column if blank

Let us see how we can add the custom column based on if blank using the power query editor in Power BI.

In this example, I will use the Products Table data mentioned below. You can download the sample data from here, where you can see that the Country column has two blank values.

Power query add column if blank
Power query add column if blank
  • Open the Power BI desktop and load the data into it, In the ribbon, under the Home option click on the Transform data option.
  • By default, in the Power Query editor the blank values will be taken as null values, so replace the null values with empty values.
  • From the ribbon click on the Home tab, and select the Replace value option. In the replace value window, enter the find value as null, leave the replace value blank, and click on the OK button as shown below.
Power query add column if formula
Power query add column if formula
  • Choose the custom column under the add column option.
  • Now, enter the New column Name, In the  Custom Column Formula box apply the below-mentioned formula:
  • Once the formula has been added to the formula box, click on the Ok button.
Example of Power query add column if blank
Example of Power query add column if blank
  • The screenshot below shows that the custom column has been added with the expected result value based on the condition it displays Blank or the country.
= Table.AddColumn(#"Replaced Value1", "Custom", each if [Country] ="" then "BLANK" else [Country])
  • Click on the Close and Apply option from the ribbon so that the changes will be reflected on the Power BI desktop.
add column if blank using Power Query
add column if blank using Power Query

This is how to add the custom column based on the if blank using the power query editor in Power BI.

Check out: How to add an empty column in Power BI

Power query add column if null

Let us see how we can add the custom column based on if null using the power query editor in Power BI.

add column if null using Power query
add column if null using Power Query

Here in the above screenshot, you can see that the SP column has two null values, so we have to create a custom column to display the Null or NotNull.

  • Load the table data into the Power BI desktop, In the ribbon, under the Home option click on the Transform data option.
  • Choose the custom column under the add column option.
  • Now, enter the New column Name, In the  Custom Column Formula box apply the below-mentioned formula:
  • Once the procedure has been added to the formula box, click on the Ok button
= each if [SP] =null then "NULL" else "NOTNULL"
Power query add column if not null
Power query add column if not null
  • The screenshot below shows that the custom column has been added with the expected result value based on the condition it displays NULL / NOT NULL.
= Table.AddColumn(#"Removed Columns", "Custom", each if [SP] = null then "NULL" else "NOTNULL")
  • Click on the Close and Apply option from the ribbon to reflect the changes on the Power BI desktop.
Power query add column if null example
Power query add column if null example

This is how to add the custom column based on if null using the power query editor in Power BI.

Read: How to add a column with a dropdown list in Power Query

Power query add column if and

Let us see how we can add the custom column based on if and using the power query editor in Power BI.

  • Open the Power BI desktop and load the data into it, In the ribbon, under the Home option click on the Transform data option.
  • Choose the custom column under the add column option.
  • Now, enter the New column Name, In the  Custom Column Formula box apply the below-mentioned formula:
  • Once the formula has been added to the formula box, click on the Ok button.

if [Country] = "Mexico" and [Profit] >= 1500 then "Match" else "Mismatch"
Power query add column if and
Power query add column if and
  • The screenshot below shows that the custom column has been added with the expected result value based on the condition it displays Match / Mismatch.
= Table.AddColumn(#"Removed Columns", "Custom", each if [SP] = null then "NULL" else "NOTNULL")
  • Click on the Close and Apply option from the ribbon to reflect the changes on the Power BI desktop.
Example of Power query add column if and
Example of Power query add column if and

This is how to add the custom column based on if and using the power query editor in Power BI.

Have a look: How to add a column with the same value in Power BI

Power query add column if or

Let us see how we can add the custom column based on if or using the power query editor in Power BI.

  • Open the Power BI desktop and load into it, under the Home option click on the Transform data option from the ribbon.
  • Choose the custom column under the add column option.
  • Now, enter the New column Name, In the  Custom Column Formula box apply the below-mentioned formula:
  • Once the formula has been added to the formula box, click on the Ok button.
= Table.AddColumn(#"Added Custom", "Custom", each if [Country] = "Mexico" and [Profit] >= 1500 then "Match" else "Mismatch")
Power query add column if or
Power query add column if or
  • The screenshot below shows that the custom column has been added with the expected result value based on the condition it displays Match / Mismatch.
= Table.AddColumn(#"Added Custom1", "Custom.1", each if [Country] = "Mexico" or [Profit] >= 1500 then "Match" else "Mismatch")
  • Click on the Close and Apply option from the ribbon to reflect the changes on the Power BI desktop.
Example of Power query add column if or
Example of Power query add column if or

This is how to add the custom column based on if or using the power query editor in Power BI.

Also Check: How to add column with a fixed value in Power BI

Power query add column multiple if

Let us see how we can add the custom column based on multiple if or nested if using the power query editor in Power BI.

  • Load the table data into the Power BI desktop, In the ribbon, under the Home option click on the Transform data option.
  • Choose the custom column under the add column option.
  • Now, enter the New column Name, In the  Custom Column Formula box apply the below-mentioned formula:
  • Once the formula has been added to the formula box, click on the Ok button.
if [Country] =  "Germany" then[Profit] * 2
 else if [Country] = "Mexico" then [Profit] * 2
  else if [Country] = "USA" then [Profit] * 2
   else "False"
Power query add column multiple if example
Power query add column multiple if example
  • The screenshot below shows that the custom column has been added with the expected result value based on the condition.
= Table.AddColumn(#"Added Custom", "Custom", each if [Country] =  "Germany" then[Profit] * 2
 else if [Country] = "Mexico" then [Profit] * 2
  else if [Country] = "USA" then [Profit] * 2
   else "False")
  • Click on the Close and Apply option from the ribbon to reflect the changes on the Power BI desktop.
Power query add column multiple if
Power query add column multiple if

This is how to add the custom column based on multiple if or nested if using the power query editor in Power BI.

Read: How to add column from another table in Power BI [3 Different ways]

Power query add column each if

Let us see how we can add the custom column based on each if using the power query editor in Power BI.

  • Load the table data into the Power BI desktop, In the ribbon, under the Home option click on the Transform data option.
  • Choose the custom column under the add column option.
  • Now, enter the New column Name, In the  Custom Column Formula box apply the below-mentioned formula:
  • Once the procedure has been added to the formula box, click on the Ok button
= each if [Profit]= 1500 then "True" else "False"
Power query add column each if
Power query add column each if
  • The screenshot below shows that the custom column has been added with the expected result value based on the condition it displays True / False
= Table.AddColumn(#"Added Custom", "Custom", each if [Profit]= 1500 then "True" else "False")
  • Click on the Close and Apply option from the ribbon to reflect the changes on the Power BI desktop.
Power query add column based on condition
Power query add a column based on the condition

This is how to add the custom column based on if null using the power query editor in Power BI.

Read: Power Query Add Column [35+ Examples in Power BI]

Power query add column if it doesn’t exist

Let us see how we can add a column using the Power Query editor if it doesn’t exist in Power bi.

  • Load the table data into the Power BI desktop, In the ribbon, under the Home option click on the Transform data option.
  • Choose the custom column under the add column option.
  • Now, enter the New column Name, In the  Custom Column Formula box apply the below-mentioned formula:
  • Once the formula has been added to the formula box, click on the Ok button
= if Table.HasColumns(#"Product Set1",[Product] ) then "True" else "False"
Power query add column if it doesn't exist
Power query add column if it doesn’t exist
  • The screenshot below shows that the custom column has been added with the expected result value based on the condition it displays True / False.
= Table.AddColumn(#"Expanded Custom", "Custom", each if Table.HasColumns(#"Product Set1",[Product] ) then "True" else "False")
  • Click on the Close and Apply option to reflect the changes on the Power BI desktop.
Example of Power query add column if it doesn't exist
Example of Power query add column if it doesn’t exist

This is how to add a column using the Power Query editor if it doesn’t exist in Power Bi.

Power query add column if an error

Let us see how we can add a column based on an error using the power query editor in Power BI.

In this example, I have used the below sample data, which has two error fields in the Price value column.

Power query add column if an error example
Power query add column if an error example
  • Open the Power BI desktop and load the data into it, under the Home option click on the Transform data option from the ribbon.
  • Choose the custom column under the add column option.
  • Now, enter the New column Name, In the  Custom Column Formula box apply the below-mentioned formula:
  • Once the formula has been added to the formula box, click on the Ok button.
= try [Price] otherwise [Bike Names]
Power query add column if an error
Power query add column if an error
  • The screenshot below shows that the custom column has been added with the expected result value, using try catch error handles, if the Price column has values it displays the same value in the custom column.
  • If the error occurs in the Price column then the Bike Names will be displayed in the custom column.
= Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type1", "Custom", each try[Price] otherwise[Bike Names])
  • Click on the Close and Apply option to reflect the changes on the Power BI desktop.
Example of Power query add column if an error
Example of Power query add column if an error

This is how to add a column based on an error using the power query editor in Power BI.

Also check: How to Filter Power BI Dax Based On Condition

Power query add column count if

Let us see how we can add a column based on the condition using count if using a power query editor in Power BI.

In this example, I have used the sample data below to calculate the items’ count using the count function in the Power BI power query editor.

Power query add column count if
Power query add column count if
  • Open the Power BI desktop and load the data into it, under the Home option click on the Transform data option from the ribbon.
  • Choose the custom column under the add column option.
  • Now, enter the New column Name, In the  Custom Column Formula box apply the below-mentioned formula:
  • Once the formula has been added to the formula box, click on the Ok button.
Power query add column count if example
Power query add column count of example
  • The screenshot below shows that the custom column has been added and displayed the value count.
= Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "Custom", each List.Count(Text.Split([Fruits],"apple"))-1)
  • Click on the Close and Apply option to reflect the changes on the Power BI desktop.
Example of Power query add column count if
Example of Power query add column count if

This is how to add a column based on the condition using count if using a power query editor in Power BI.

Furthermore, you may like some more Power BI tutorials:

This Power BI tutorial covered how to add a column using the Power Query editor in Power BI based on the If statement, and we also examined the following topics:

  • Power query add column if contains
  • Power query add column if blank
  • Power query add column if null
  • Power query add column if and
  • Power query add column if or
  • Power query add column multiple if
  • Power query add column each if
  • Power query add column if it doesn’t exist
  • Power query add column if an error
  • Power query add column count if
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