TypeScript Tutorials [Beginners + Advanced]

I highly recommend checking out Typescript tutorials, as Typescript has become popular in the last few years, and many companies are asking for knowledge in Typescript to use in project development.

If you know a little JavaScript, it will become easier for you to learn Typescript. But even if you do not know JavaScript, you can start with our Typescript tutorials for beginners and then continue with the advanced typescript tutorials.

Let us start.

Introduction to TypeScript

TypeScript is a powerful, statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript code. Originally developed by Microsoft, TypeScript brings robust typing, powerful features like interfaces and generics, and advanced development tools to the world of JavaScript. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on what TypeScript is, its benefits, and why you should consider learning it, particularly if you’re in the United States, where demand for TypeScript skills is rising.

Features of TypeScript

Strong Typing

TypeScript allows you to define types for your variables and function parameters. This makes it easier to catch errors during compile-time rather than runtime.

Class-based Object-Oriented Programming

TypeScript brings traditional OOP concepts like classes, interfaces, and inheritance to JavaScript, which is originally prototype-based.

Easy Maintenance

The strongly typed nature of TypeScript makes it easier to maintain and refactor codebases, leading to lower development costs in the long run.

Compatibility with JavaScript

Since TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, any valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. This ensures easy integration with existing JavaScript libraries and frameworks.

Why Should You Learn TypeScript?

Below is a table listing some key reasons why learning TypeScript can be beneficial for you.

Reasons to Learn TypeScriptExplanation
Strong TypingCatch errors at compile-time rather than runtime
Code QualityImproved code quality due to better structuring
Better DebuggingEasier debugging with source maps
Career OpportunitiesIncreasing demand for TypeScript skills in job postings
ScalabilitySuited for large codebases
Community SupportStrong community and corporate backing

Stats: The Growing Popularity of TypeScript

The rising demand for TypeScript skills is supported by statistics, particularly in the United States. Here’s a quick look at some relevant numbers:

GitHub Ranking4th most starred language
Job Postings15% increase in job postings requiring TypeScript
NPM Downloads WeeklyOver 4,62,78,343 Weekly downloads
Stack Overflow SurveysRanked 2nd most loved language

How to Install TypeScript

To install Typescript, make sure you have installed the node.js and npm. You can download and install them from the official Node.js website.

Then, run the below command to install Typescript.

npm i typescript

If you want to install the latest stable version of Typescript, run the following command.

npm install -D typescript

To confirm that TypeScript has been installed successfully, run the following command to tell which Typescript version you installed.

tsc -v

Typescript tutorials for beginners

Here is the list of typescript tutorials for beginners.

Typescript Hello World program for beginnersThis beginner’s tutorial in Typescript explains how to create your first Hello World program in Typescript.
Typescript Identifiers and KeywordsLearn about Typescript identifiers and keywords.
Data types in typescriptThis tutorial explains various data types in Typescript.
Typescript arrayLearn how to work arrays in Typescript.
Typescript filter arrayThis tutorial explains, with examples, how to filter an array in Typescript.
How to check if string is empty in typescriptThis tutorial explains how to check if a string is empty in Typescript.
typescript get the last element of arrayThis Typescript tutorial explains how to get the last element of an array in Typescript.
Typescript string union vs enumCheck out the difference between string union vs enum in Typescript.
TypeScript Exclamation MarkLearn about TypeScript Exclamation Mark
How to Loop Through Array in Typescript?This tutorial explains how to iterate over an array in Typescript.

Advanced Typescript Tutorials

Once you have covered the basic typescript tutorials, you can check out the below advanced Typescript tutorials.

TypeScript DictionaryLearn how to use Dictionary in Typescript. You will get to know how to create a dictionary in Typescript.
How to initialize empty dictionary in Typescript?This Typescript tutorial explains how to initialize an empty dictionary.
Sort a TypeScript Dictionary by ValueThis tutorial explains how to sort a typescript dictionary by value.
Convert a Dictionary to an Array in TypescriptThis Typescript tutorial explains how to convert a dictionary to an array in Typescript.
Declare a Dictionary in TypeScriptThis Typescript tutorial explains how to declare a dictionary in Typescript.
Remove Key from a Dictionary in TypescriptLearn how to remove a key from a dictionary in Typescript.
Loop Through Dictionary in TypescriptLearn how to loop through a dictionary in Typescript using various methods.
Find Dictionary Length in TypeScriptThis tutorial explains how to find dictionary length in Typescript
Check if a Dictionary is Empty in TypeScriptLearn how to check if a dictionary is empty in Typescript.
How to check if a key exists in a dictionary in typescript?This Typescript tutorial explains How to check if a key exists in a dictionary in typescript.
How to get value from a dictionary in Typescript?This Typescript tutorial explains how to get value from a dictionary in Typescript.
How to check if value exists in dictionary in Typescript?This typescript tutorial explains how to check if a value exists in a dictionary in Typescript.
How to convert an array to a dictionary in Typescript?Learn how to convert an array to a dictionary in Typescript.
Get First Element from a Typescript DictionaryKeep reading to learn more about how to get the first element from a Typescript dictionary.
TypeScript Dictionary vs MapHere is the complete comparison of the Typescript dictionary vs. map.
Convert Typescript Dictionary to StringThis tutorial explains how to convert a typescript dictionary to a string.
How to filter a dictionary in Typescript?Learn how to filter a dictionary in Typescript.
How to find key by value in Typescript dictionary?Learn how to find a key by value in a Typescript dictionary.
TypeScript DateThis tutorial explains how to work with Typescript Date.
Typescript get month day year from dateLearn how to get month, day, and year from a date in Typescript.
Typescript Date FormatCheck out various Typescript date formats.
TypeScript Date Add DaysThis Typescript tutorial explains how to add days to date and other examples.
Calculate Date Difference in Days in TypescriptThis tutorial explains different ways to calculate date differences in days in Typescript.
Remove Time from Date in TypeScriptThis Typescript tutorial explains how to remove time from date in Typescript.
Get Week Number from Date in TypeScriptThis tutorial explains how to get the week number from a date in Typescript.
How to create date from year month day in Typescript?Learn how to create a date from year, month, and day in Typescript.
Get First and Last Day of Week in TypescriptThis Typescript tutorial explains how to get the first and last day of the week in Typescript.
How to Check If Date is Valid in Typescript?Learn how to check if a date is valid in Typescript.
How to Check Date Less Than Today in Typescript?Learn how to check if a date is less than today in Typescript.
How to Subtract Days from Current Date in Typescript?Learn how to subtract days from the current date in Typescript.
Convert Date to String Format dd/mm/yyyy in TypescriptLearn how to convert date to string format dd/mm/yyyy in Typescript and various examples.
Format Date with Timezone in TypescriptThis Typescript tutorial explains how to format date with timezone in Typescript.
Typescript sort array of objects by date descendingThis tutorial explains how to sort an array of objects by date in descending.
How to Convert Date to UTC in Typescript?Learn how to convert date to UTC in Typescript.
TypeScript MapThis tutorial explains how to create a typescript map and various map properties and methods.
Typescript array findLearn with examples how to use the find() method in the Typescript array.
Typescript sort arrayLearn how to sort() an array in Typescript with examples.
TypeScript Array filter() MethodThis Typescript tutorial explains how to use the Typescript array filter() method with examples.
Remove Null Values from an Array in TypeScriptLearn how to remove null values from an array in Typescript using filter() method with examples.
TypeScript Array Filter with Multiple ConditionsHere is another example of TypeScript Array Filter with Multiple Conditions.
How to reverse an array in TypescriptThis tutorial explains how to reverse an array in Typescript.
Typescript merge two arrays of objectsThis typescript tutorial explains how to merge two arrays of objects in Typescript.
Add a property to an object in TypescriptThis tutorial explains how to add a property to an object in Typescript.
Check type in TypescriptThis tutorial explains how to check type in Typescript.
typescript replace all occurrences in a stringThis tutorial explains how to use the typescript replaceall() function.
compare two strings in typescriptLearn how to compare two strings in Typescript.
Compare two string dates in typescriptThis tutorial explains how to compare two string dates in Typescript.
How to remove quotes from a string in TypescriptThis tutorial explains how to remove quotes from a string in Typescript.
Typescript check if a string contains a substringThis tutorial explains how to check if a string contains a substring in Typescript.
Split a string with multiple separators in TypeScriptLearn how to split a string with multiple separators in Typescript.
How to Split String by Length in Typescript?Learn how to split a string by length in Typescript using various methods.
Create a multiline string in typescriptThis typescript tutorial explains how to create a multiline string in Typescript.
typescript split stringThis typescript tutorial explains how to split string by dot in typescript with examples.
Typescript Split StringLearn how to split strings by using the split() method in Typescript.
Typescript string capitalize first letterLearn how to capitalize the first letter in a string in Typescript.
Typescript convert string to keyofThis tutorial explains how to convert string to keyof in Typescript.
check if string contains only numbers in typescriptThis Typescript tutorial explains how to check if a string contains only numbers in Typescript.
How to convert a string to boolean in typescriptLearn how to convert a string to a boolean in Typescript.
Sort array of objects in typescriptThis tutorial explains how to sort an array of objects in Typescript.
Typescript string enum reverse mappingLearn everything about typescript enum reverse mapping.
get string after character in TypescriptLearn how to get string after character in Typescript.
convert string to double in typescriptHere, you will learn how to convert string to double in Typescript.
get string between 2 characters in TypescriptLearn how to get a string between 2 characters in Typescript.
How to push an object into an array in TypescriptLearn how to push an object into an array in Typescript.
Get Key by Value from enum String in TypescriptLearn how to get key by value from Enum string in Typescript.
Convert Typescript Array to String With SeparatorLearn how to convert an array to a string with a separator in Typescript.
Sort Array Alphabetically in TypescriptThis typescript tutorial explains how to sort an array alphabetically in Typescript using various methods.
How to map an array of objects to another array of objects in TypescriptThis typescript tutorial explains how to map an array of objects to another array of objects in Typescript.
compare strings for sorting in typescriptLearn how to compare strings for sorting in Typescript.
ReferenceError fetch is not defined in TypescriptLearn how to fix the error; ReferenceError fetch is not defined in Typescript.
TypeScript Split String Into ArrayLearn how to split a string into an array in Typescript using the split() method.
Split String by Regex in TypeScriptLearn how to split a string by regex in Typescript with various examples.
Split String And Get Last Element In TypescriptLearn how to split a string and get the last element in Typescript with examples.
How to Convert String to Date in TypeScript?Learn how to convert string to date in Typescript with examples.
How to Convert String to Number in TypeScript?Learn how to convert string to number in Typescript with various examples.
Merge Two Objects in TypeScriptKeep reading to know more on how to merge two objects in Typescript.

Typescript Keywords

Here is the tutorial on Typescript keywords.

type keyword in TypescriptThis tutorial explains how to use the “type” keyword in Typescript.
this Keyword in TypescriptLearn how to the “this” keyword in Typescript.
as Keyword in TypescriptThis tutorial explains how to use the “as” keyword in Typescript.
override Keyword in TypescriptThis Typescript tutorial explains how to use the “override” keyword in Typescript.
unique Keyword in TypeScriptLearn how to use the Typescript “unique” keyword.
is Keyword in TypescriptThis Typescript tutorial explains how to use the “is” keyword in Typescript.
satisfies Keyword in TypescriptLearn how to use the satisfies keyword in Typescript with examples.
extend Keyword in TypescriptLearn how to use the extend keyword in Typescript with examples.
readonly Keyword in TypescriptLearn how to use the readonly keyword in Typescript.
declare Keyword in TypescriptThis tutorial explains how to use the Typescript declare keyword with examples.
const Keyword in TypescriptThis tutorial explains how to use the const keyword in Typescript with examples.
super Keyword in TypescriptLearn how to use the super keyword in Typescript with various examples.
require Keyword in TypescriptLearn how to use the require keyword in Typescript with a few examples.
arguments keyword in TypescriptThis tutorial explains how to use the arguments keyword in Typescript.
never Keyword in TypescriptLearn how to use the never keyword in Typescript.
get Keyword in TypescriptThis Typescript tutorial explains how to use the Typescript get keyword.
with Keyword in TypescriptLearn how to use the With keyword in Typescript.
await Keyword in TypescriptThis tutorial explains how to use the await keyword in Typescript.
async Keyword in TypescriptThis tutorial explains everything about the async keyword in Typescript.
operator Keyword in TypescriptKeep reading to know how to use the operator keyword in Typescript with examples.
typeof Keyword in TypescriptLearn how to use the typeof keyword in Typescript.
throw Keyword in TypescriptThis Typescript tutorial explains everything about the throw keyword in Typescript.
boolean Keyword in TypescriptThis tutorial explains everything about the boolean keyword in Typescript.
default Keyword in TypescriptKeep reading to learn about the default keyword in Typescript.
static Keyword in TypescriptLearn how to use the static keyword in Typescript.
void Keyword in TypescriptThis Typescript tutorial explains how to use the void keyword in Typescript.


I hope now you got to know about Typescript. You can implement typescript in your projects, and I hope you have learned Typescript from our typescript tutorial for beginners and advanced typescript tutorial.
