Error: RMS online is configured for this tenant but is turned off, please turn on in Microsoft 365 to enable

You know that you can use Information Rights Management (IRM) to control and protect files downloaded from lists or libraries. IRM allows you to limit users’ actions on these files.

IRM encrypts downloaded files and restricts which users and programs can decrypt them. It can also limit the rights of users who can read the files, preventing actions like printing or copying text.

While trying to enable Information Rights Management (IRM) in the SharePoint Online admin center, you might see the error: “RMS online is configured for this tenant but is turned off. Please turn it on in Microsoft 365 to enable.

rms online is configured for this tenant but is turned off, please turn on in microsoft 365 to enable.

In this tutorial, we will see how to solve this error: “Error: RMS Online is configured for this tenant but is turned off, please turn on in Microsoft 365 to enable.”

RMS Online is configured for this tenant but is turned off, please turn on in Microsoft 365 to enable

Now, let’s see where we find this error:

Go to the SharePoint admin center, click “Settings,” then click on “Classic settings page” at the bottom of the settings page.

rights management is not active for the tenant

Or you can directly go to the page using this link: ( Only put your tenant ID.

Then, choose “Use the IRM service specified in your configuration” and click Refresh the IRM Settings. You will get the error: “Error: RMS Online is configured for this tenant but is turned off. Please turn it on in Microsoft 365 to enable.

error: rms online is configured for this tenant but is turned off, please turn on in microsoft 365 to enable.

Error: RMS Online is configured for this tenant but is turned off. Please turn it on in Microsoft 365 to enable[Solved]

To solve this issue, we need to activate the “Rights Management” service in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Office 365 admin center.
  2. Click on “Show all” to expand the menu.
  3. Select “Settings,” then click on “Org settings.”
  4. Click on “Microsoft Azure Information Protection.”
rights management services office 365

Then click the Manage Microsoft Azure Information Protection setting.

information rights management irm office 365

Unfortunately, the rights management page is not available.

information rights management office 365

But we can manage rights using a PowerShell script.

To enable Rights Management using a PowerShell script, follow these steps:

1. Open PowerShell as an administrator and run the below command:

Install-Module -Name AIPService

If it’s already installed, you can update it using the command below:

Update-Module -Name AIPService

2. Run the below command and sign in with your Office 365 admin.

$AdminCredentials = Get-Credential ""
Connect-AipService -Credential $AdminCredentials
how to turn off rms

3. Then run the below command to enable the Rights Management service:

Activate rights management in the admin center

To disable the Rights Management service, run the command below:


3. Go to the classic settings page (, select “Use the IRM service specified in your configuration,” and click “Refresh the IRM Settings.” You should see a message confirming the settings have been refreshed successfully

error rms online is configured for this tenant but is turned off, please turn on in microsoft 365 to enable.

I hope this Microsoft 365 tutorial explains how to enable Information Rights Management and helps you resolve the error: “RMS online is configured for this tenant but is turned off. Please turn it on in Microsoft 365 to enable” in Office 365 SharePoint Online.

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