Typescript compare dates

Do you want to know about Typescript compare dates? In this Typescript tutorial, I will explain how to compare two dates in typescript.

Here, we will see an example of how to compare two date strings in typescript using various methods.

  • strict equality check with getTime ()
  • abstract equality check with getTime ()
  • Greater than check(>)
  • Less than check(<)

Typescript compare dates using Strict equality

Here we will see an example to compare to date strings by using a Strict equality check in typescript.

For example, we will see an example to compare two string dates in a typescript with strict equality check

In the ToCompareString.ts file, write the below code:

const firstDate = new Date('2021-05-10')
const secondDate = new Date('2021-05-10')


function dateComparison() {

  //  Strict equality check
  if (firstDate.getTime() === secondDate.getTime()) {
    console.log('Dates are the same')
  } else {
    console.log('Date are not the same')


To compile the code, run the below command and you can see the result in the console.

ts-node ToCompareString
Compare two string dates in typescript
Compare two string dates in typescript

This is an example of comparing two string dates in typescript.

Compare dates in typescript using abstract equality

Here, we will compare two string dates using abstract equality check in typescript.

For example, we have two string dates, and then we will cover it to the date type by using a new Date(). Then, we will compare these two converted dates by checking the abstract equality and getTime().

Here is the getTime () will return the count of milliseconds since the timestamp, which is declared as midnight at the start of January 1, 1970, UTC. This method may be used to assist in the assignment of a date and time to another Date object

In the ToCompareString.ts file, write the below code:

const firstDate = new Date('2021-05-10')
const secondDate = new Date('2021-05-10')


function dateComparison() {

  if (firstDate.getTime() == secondDate.getTime()) {
    console.log('Dates are the same')
  } else {
    console.log('Date are not the same')


To compile the code run the below command, and you can see the result in the console:

ts-node ToCompareString
compare two string dates typescript
compare two string dates typescript

This is an example of Using an Abstract equality check to compare two string dates in typescript.

Also, check out How to remove quotes from a string in Typescript

Typescript compare dates using greater than

Here, we will compare two string dates using the greater than check method in typescript.

For example, we will take two date strings, and then we will convert the two dates of string type into date type in typescript. Then, we will check which date is greater using the greater than the operator.

In the ToCompareString.ts file, write the below code:

const firstDate = new Date('2021-05-15')
const secondDate = new Date('2021-05-12')

// console.log(firstDate.getTime())
// console.log(secondDate.getTime())

function dateComparison() {

  if (firstDate> secondDate) {
    console.log('firstDate is greater than SecondDate')
  } else {
    console.log('firstDate is not greater than SecondDate')


To compile the code and run the below command and you can see the result in the console:

ts-node ToCompareString
How to compare two string dates typescript
How to compare two string dates typescript

This is an example of how to compare two string dates in typescript using the greater than operator.

Typescript date comparison using less than

Here, we will compare two string dates using the less-than-check method in typescript.

For example, we will take two date strings, and then we will convert the two dates of string type into date type in typescript. Then, we will check which date1 is less than date 2 using the less than operator.

In the ToCompareString.ts file, write the below code:

const firstDate = new Date('2021-05-11')
const secondDate = new Date('2021-05-12')

// console.log(firstDate.getTime())
// console.log(secondDate.getTime())

function dateComparison() {

  // 1. Abstract equality check
  if (firstDate< secondDate) {
    console.log('firstDate is less than SecondDate')
  } else {
    console.log('firstDate is not less than SecondDate')


To compile the code and run the below command and you can see the result in the console:

ts-node ToCompareString
How to compare two string dates in typescript
How to compare two string dates in typescript

This is an example of how to compare two string dates in typescript using the less than operator.


In this typescript tutorial, we saw different methods to compare two date strings in typescript. Here are the methods we covered:

  • strict equality check with getTime ()
  • abstract equality check with getTime ()
  • Greater than check(>)
  • Less than check(<)

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