When a New Email Arrives Subject Filter in Power Automate

Do you want to filter out emails based on the email’s subject line in Power Automate? In this tutorial, I have explained an example of when a new email arrives subject filter in Power Automate. It will help you to filter emails when a new email arrives based on the subject line using Power Automate flow with different examples.


Recently, I got a requirement to filter the emails based on the subject line and save the email’s attachment into a SharePoint document library. Here, I will show three examples of applying a subject filter when a new email arrives in Outlook using Power Automate.

  1. For the first example, I will implement a simple email subject filter when a new email arrives; it will save the attachments to a SharePoint document library using Power Automate.
  2. In the second example, I will show you two different ways to apply subject filter emails, whether the subject line contains a value or not, when a new email arrives using Power Automate.
  3. In the third example, I will show you two different ways to apply multiple subject filters to email, whether the subject line contains a value or not, when a new email arrives using Power Automate.

When a new email arrives subject filter in Power Automate

Let us see a simple example of “when a new email arrives subject filter in power automate”.

  • The subject Filter is not case sensitive; for example, when we enter the subject filter input value as ‘WELCOME’, the flow will run when we receive an email with the subject line of ‘welcome.’
  • When a new email arrives subject filter trigger action has an input field called subject Filter and takes the String input value.

In this example, I will show you how to apply a direct subject filter when a new email arrives in trigger action and save the email’s attachment into a SharePoint document library.

To achieve this, follow the below steps:

1. Create an automated cloud flow and select the trigger when a new email arrives (V3) from the trigger actions. Expand the trigger action and choose the parameters as highlighted below:

  • Folder: Select the Folder; here, I have selected my Inbox folder presented in Outlook. Then Click Show Advanced options, and choose the below parameters
  • Include Attachments: select the yes option.
  • Subject Filter: enter the text string of the subject line that you want to filter as a Subject Filter input. Here, I have passed the subject line value as HR.

It will search if the passed subject filter text is contained anywhere within the subject line or not; if it matches, the flow will run; otherwise, the flow will not run.

when a new email arrives subject filter power automate

2. Add a compose data operation and pass the attachment from dynamic content to get the attachment content presented in the attachment. It will automatically add the apply to each control loop. If the email contains multiple attachments, it will get all the attachments.

when a new email arrives subject filter in power automate

Now, choose the create file option for SharePoint from the action triggers.

  • Site Adress: from the dropdown list, select the SharePoint site.
  • Folder Path: choose the folder path where you want to save the filtered email attachments
  • File Name: from the dynamic content value, select the attachment file name.
  • File Content: pass the below expression under the expression tab of the compose data operation from dynamic content.
when a new email arrives subject filter contains
  • Save and test the flow. I have sent an email with an attachment from a user ID with the subject line ‘HR DOCUMENTS’.
power automate when a new email arrives subject filter contains

So the subject line ‘HR DOCUMENTS’ contains the subject filter text ‘HR’. So the flow triggers automatically and runs successfully like below:

when a new email arrives subject filter

Then, it saves the attachment in the selected SharePoint Online document library.

when a new email arrives subject filter contains

This is how to apply a direct subject filter when a new email arrives in trigger action using Power Automate flow.

Power Automate when a new email arrives subject filter contains

Let us see how to filter emails to apply subject filter emails, whether the subject line contains a value or not when a new email arrives using Power Automate.

In this example, I will show you two different ways (Trigger action, Contains Operator)to apply subject filter emails, whether the subject line contains a value or not, when a new email arrives and save the email’s attachment to the document library.

First way: (Trigger action)

Create an automated cloud flow and select the trigger when a new email arrives (V3) from the trigger actions. select the parameters as highlighted below:

  • Folder: From the show picker, select the Folder here; I have selected my Inbox folder presented in Outlook.
  • Include Attachments: choose the yes option.
when a new email arrives v3 subject filter in power automate

To Add a Trigger Condition, select the When a new email arrives trigger action,

  • Click on the Ellipses icon When a new email arrives, trigger action as highlighted below.
  • Select the Settings option.
power automate when a new email arrives subject filter contains

Click +Add under the trigger action, then pass the below expression and click Done.

@contains(triggerOutputs()?['body/subject'], 'Finance')
when a new mail arrivies subject filter contains in Power Automate
  • Select + new step, add a compose data operation from the dynamic content, and pass the attachment content to get the attachment content presented in the attachments. It will automatically add the “apply to each” control loop.
when a new email arrives subject filter contains

From the action trigger, choose the create file option for SharePoint. Pass the required parameters.

  • Site Adress: from the dropdown list, select the SharePoint site.
  • Folder Path: choose the folder path where you want to save the filtered email attachments
  • File Name: Select the Attachment file name from the dynamic content value.
  • File Content: Pass the below expression under the expression tab of the compose data operation from dynamic content.
power automate when a new email arrives subject filter contains

Save and test the flow. I have sent an email with an attachment from a testing user ID with the subject line ‘Finance Documents’.

when a new email arrives subject filter contains in Power Automate

So the subject line ‘Finance Documents’ contains the subject filter text ‘Finance’. So the flow triggers automatically and runs successfully like below:

power automate when a new email arrives

Then, it saves the attachment document with the attachment content in the selected document library.

when a new email arrives subject filter contains in Power Automate flow

When a new email arrives using Power Automate flow, this is one way to apply subject filter emails, whether the subject line contains a value or not.

Second way:(Contains Operator)

In the automated cloud flow, select the trigger when a new email arrives (V3) from the trigger actions. Expand the trigger action and Choose the Parameters as highlighted below:

  • Folder: select the Folder, here, I have selected my Inbox folder presented in Outlook from the showpicker.
  • Include Attachments: Select the yes option.
when a new email arrives subject filter power automate

Step -2:

Add a condition control and check if the Subject contains the value HR. Select the Subject from the dynamic content, choose the contains operator, and pass the value as HR.

To build a case-insensitive, we must use the tolower() function. This converts any text to all lowercase.


Here, I check the condition if the subject line contains the value HR.

  • If yes, Select the + new step, add a compose data operation from the dynamic content and pass the attachment content to get the attachment content presented in the attachments.
  • It will automatically add the apply to each control loop.

Add a new step and choose the create file option for SharePoint.

  • Site Adress: select the SharePoint site from the dropdown.
  • Folder Path: choose the folder path where you want to save the filtered email attachments
  • File Name: select the Attachment file name from dynamic content
  • File Content: Pass the below expression under the expression tab of the compose data operation from dynamic content.

If no, leave it blank.

power automate when email arrives multiple subject filter

Save and test the flow. I have sent an email with an attachment from a testing user ID with the subject line ‘hr Documents’.

power automate when a new email arrives subject filter contains

So the subject line ‘hr Documents’ contains the subject filter text ‘HR’. Here the condition returns the true value because, in the expression, we used the tolower() function, which converts the upper case value to lower case.

So the flow triggers automatically and runs successfully like below:

when a new email arrives subject filter contains

Then, it saves the attachment document with the attachment content in the selected document library.

when a new email arrives subject filter power automate

This is another way to filter emails to apply subject filter emails whether the subject line contains a value or not when a new email arrives using Power Automate.

Power Automate when a new email arrives subject filters multiple

When a new email arrives using Power Automate, let us see how to apply multiple subject filter emails based on the subject line.

In this example, I will show you two different ways (Trigger action, Contains Operator) to apply multiple subject filters based on the subject line when a new email arrives using Power Automate and save the email’s attachment to the selected document library.

First way:(Trigger action)

Create an automated cloud flow, and select the trigger when a new email arrives (V3) from the trigger actions. Pass the value of the below parameters.

  • Folder: Select the Folder; here, I have selected my Inbox folder presented in Outlook from the show picker.
  • Include Attachments: Select the yes option.
power automate when a new email arrives subject filter multiple

Add a Trigger Condition, then pass the below expression and click Done

@or(contains(triggerOutputs()?['body/subject'],string('Power Apps')),contains(triggerOutputs()?['body/subject'], string('Power Automate')),contains(triggerOutputs()?['body/subject'], string('Power BI')))
Power Automate when a new email arrives subject filter multiple
  • Select + new step, add a compose data operation, from the dynamic content, and pass the attachment content to get the attachment content presented in the attachments.
power automate when email arrives multiple subject filter

Choose the create file option for SharePoint from action triggers.

  • Site Adress: from the dropdown list, select the SharePoint site.
  • Folder Path: choose the folder path where you want to save the filtered email attachments
  • File Name: from the dynamic content value, select the Attachment file name.
  • File Content: Pass the below expression under the expression tab of the compose data operation from dynamic content.
power automate when a new email arrives multiple subject filters

Test case -1:

Save and test the flow. I have sent an email with an attachment from a testing user ID with the subject line ‘Power Automate Document’.

power automate when a new email arrives subject filter wildcard

The flow triggers and runs successfully because the subject line Power Automate Documents contains Power Automate.

Finally, it saves the attachment to the selected document library. (Power Platform document library)

power automate when a new email arrives subject filter contains

Test case -2:

I have sent an email with an attachment from a testing user ID with the subject line ‘Power BI Document’.

when a new email arrives subject filter contains

Once the flow triggers and runs successfully, saves the attachment to the Power Platforms document library.

when a new email arrives subject filter power automate

This is one way to apply multiple subject filter emails based on the subject line when a new email arrives using Power Automate.

Second way: (Contains Operator)

Create an automated cloud flow and select the trigger when a new email arrives (V3) from the trigger actions. Expand the trigger action and Choose the Parameters as highlighted below:

  • Folder: select the Folder; here, I have selected my Inbox folder presented in Outlook from the show picker.
  • Include Attachments: Select the yes option.
when a new email arrives v3 subject filter in power automate

Here, we are going to check three conditions: they are

  • If the subject line contains the value Apps, the attachments will be saved to the Power Apps document library.
  • If the subject line contains the value Power Automate, then the attachments will be saved to the Powet Automate document library.
  • The attachments will be saved to the Power BI document library if the subject line contains the Power BI value.

Case-1: (subject line contains the value Apps)

Add a condition control and check if the Subject contains the value Apps,

  • If yes, Select + new step add a compose data operation, from the dynamic content, and pass the attachment content to get the attachment content presented in the attachments.

Add a new step and choose the create file option for SharePoint.

  • Site Adress: select the SharePoint site from the dropdown.
  • Folder Path: choose the folder path (I have selected the Power Apps document library)
  • File Name: select the Attachment file name from dynamic content
  • File Content: Pass the below expression under the expression tab of the compose data operation from dynamic content.

If no, leave it blank

power automate when a new email arrives multiple subject filters

Case-2: (subject line contains the value Automate)

Add a condition control and check if the Subject contains the value Automate, if yes,

  • If yes, Select + new step add a compose data operation, from the dynamic content, and pass the attachment content to get the attachment content presented in the attachments.
  • It will automatically add the apply to each control loop.

Add a new step and choose the create file option for SharePoint.

  • Site Adress: select the SharePoint site from the dropdown.
  • Folder Path: choose the folder path (I have selected Power Automate document library)
  • File Name: select the Attachment file name from dynamic content
  • File Content: Pass the below expression under the expression tab of the compose data operation from dynamic content.

If no, leave it blank

power automate when email arrives multiple subject filter

Case-3: (subject line contains the value BI )

Add a condition control and check if the Subject contains the value BI, if yes,

  • If yes, Select + new step add a compose data operation, from the dynamic content, and pass the attachment content to get the attachment content presented in the attachments.
  • It will automatically add the apply to each control loop.

Add a new step and choose the create file option for SharePoint.

  • Site Adress: select the SharePoint site from the dropdown.
  • Folder Path: choose the folder path (I have selected the Power BI document library)
  • File Name: select the Attachment file name from dynamic content
  • File Content: Pass the below expression under the expression tab of the compose data operation from dynamic content.

If no, leave it blank

power automate when a new email arrives subject filter wildcard

Test case -1:

Save and test the flow. I have sent an email with an attachment from a testing user ID with the subject line ‘Power Apps Documents’.

power automate when a new email arrives subject filter multiple

The flow triggers and runs successfully and saves the attachment to the selected document library. (Power Apps document library)

when a new email arrives subject filter power automate

Test case -2:

Save and test the flow. I have sent an email with an attachment from a testing user ID with the subject line ‘Power BI Documents’.

when a new email arrives subject filter contains

The flow triggers and runs successfully and saves the attachment to the selected document library. (Power BI document library)

power automate when a new email arrives subject filter contain

This is another way to apply multiple subject filter emails based on the subject line when a new email arrives using Power Automate.

Power Automate when a new email arrives subject filter wildcard

  • Power Automate string functions do not support wildcards. No expressions are available for wildcard matching in Power Automate.
  • So, applying a subject filter with wildcard characters in a Power Automate flow is impossible.


I hope you get an idea to filter out emails based on the email’s subject line using Power Automate Flow.

Here, I have shown you three examples of applying a subject filter when a new email arrives in Outlook using Flow.

In the first example, I have shown you how to apply a direct subject filter when a new email arrives in trigger action using flow.

In the second example, I showed you two different ways to apply subject filter emails, whether the subject line contains a value or not, when a new email arrives using Power Automate.

In the third example, I have shown you two different ways to apply multiple subject filters to email, whether the subject line contains a value or not, when a new email arrives using Power Automate Flow.

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