Power Apps Employee Directory – How to Create

In this article, we will discuss what is a Power Apps Employee Directory and how to create an Employee Directory in Power Apps.

Also, I will explain how to get SharePoint employee directory active directory in Power Apps and Power Apps employee directory search by name or department with examples.

Power Apps Employee Directory

PowerApps Employee Directory helps in storing each and every unique employee profile within your company. An employee’s job title, department, email address, display name, profile image, and other information can all be stored in an employee profile.

Let’s say your company employs about 500 people. You may set up an employee directory where you can keep track of each employee’s email address, profile photo, department, job title, and other details.

With PowerApps, it’s possible to extract the Employee Directory Information using the “Office365Users” Data Source Connector.

Create an Employee Directory in PowerApps

To create an employee directory in Power Apps, follow the example below.

There is a Power Apps Text input control and a Gallery control. The gallery will display all the employee details from your organization until and unless you search for any user name.

Once you search for any employee name, the gallery will filter and display the specific person’s details, as shown below.

Power Apps Employee Directory

1. In Power Apps, first, connect the Office 365 Users connector to the app using your valid Microsoft 365 credentials.

PowerApps Employee Directory

2. Insert a Text input control and make its Default property to blank.

sharepoint employee directory

3. Next, add a Vertical gallery control below the text box and set its Layout as Image, title, and subtitle.

Also, write the code below on its Items property as:

Items = Office365Users.SearchUser(
        searchTerm: txtEmployee.Text,
        top: 99


  • SearchUser = It helps to retrieve search results of user profiles.
  • txtEmployee = Text input control name
  • top:5 = It will show the first or top 5 users or Employees present in the Office365Users connector. You can also take top values, like 10, 15, etc.
sharepoint staff directory

4. Select the Title label from the gallery and set its Text property:

Text = "Name: " & ThisItem.DisplayName
employee directory sharepoint

5. Select the Subtitle label from the gallery and set its Text property:

Text = "Department: " & ThisItem.Department
sharepoint people directory

6. To get the employees’ profile photos, write the code below on Image’s Image property:

Image = If(


Image = If(


Image = If(
    Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata(ThisItem.Id).HasPhoto = true,

Here, try to take the user’s ID value inside the gallery Image property. If you take the Email value instead of the ID, the result may be unpredictable.

office 365 employee directory

7. Once you save and preview the app, you can see all the PowerApps Employee Directory. Similarly, when you search for any employee name in the search box, the gallery will filter and display particular employee details.

This way, we can create an Employee Directory in PowerApps.

SharePoint Employee Directory Active Directory in Power Apps

Let’s say you want to display users or employees in your organization who are either in enable or active mode. Also, you can search and filter the Power Apps gallery based on the SharePoint employee directory active directory.

SharePoint Employee Directory Active Directory in Power Apps
  • Select the gallery and set its Items property as:
Items = Filter(
            searchTerm: txtEmployee.Text,
            top: 15
    AccountEnabled = true


  1. txtEmployee = Text input control name
  2. AccountEnabled = This property helps display the Employees in enable or active mode in your organization. When you set this property to true, it will only show all the active employees.
microsoft teams employee directory in Power Apps

This way, we can work with the SharePoint employee directory active directory in Power Apps.

Power Apps Employee Directory Search by Name or Department

We can search the Power Apps employee directory by name as well as department. Refer to the example.

  • I have a Power Apps text input and a gallery control. When a user searches for the employee name or department, the gallery filters and displays the specific employee details based on the search text.
Power Apps Employee Directory Search by Name or Department
  • To work around this, select the gallery and apply the code below on its Items property:
Items = If(
                searchterm: "",
                top: 99
        !IsBlank(Department) && (txtSearchBox.Text in DisplayName || txtSearchBox.Text in Department)


txtSearchBox = Text input control name

PowerApps Employee Directory Search by Name or Department

This way, we can work with Power Apps employee directory search by name or department.

I hope this Power Apps tutorial gave a brief idea about the PowerApps Employee Directory and the steps to create an Employee Directory in Power Apps.

We also saw various examples of how to work with the SharePoint employee directory active directory in Power Apps.

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  • Hi,

    Thank you for this, I am finding that I am getting email dist lists and shared mailboxes show up. Do you know how I could hide them? Is it possible to filter on one group (that has everyone in it)?

    Thank you 🙂

  • From where Office365users get the properties, is it from sharepont user profile or AD or azure AD ?

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