Missing argument in parameter list PowerShell

In this tutorial, I will explain how to fix an error “missing argument in parameter list“. The exact error comes as “Missing an argument for parameter ‘Year.’ Specify a parameter of type ‘System.Int32’ and try again.” which appears in the Visual Studio Code.

Missing argument in parameter list error in PowerShell

As per my requirement, I was trying to get the current Year from a specific date using the Visual Studio Code. To retrieve the current year from date, I have put the below visual studio code as:

Write-Host (Get-Date -Year)

While I was running this above Visual Studio Code to get the current year from date, then an error occurred:

Missing an argument for parameter ‘Year’. Specify a parameter of type ‘System.Int32’ and try again.”

You can see the exact error in the below screenshot.

missing argument in parameter list

When I searched the solution for this error, I got something simple code as in the screenshot below. Just put this below Visual Studio Code and Run with the PowerShell ISE.


Once you run the PowerShell in Visual Studio Code, you can see the current year in the Terminal section below.

missing argument in parameter list powershell

Hence, in this PowerShell tutorial, We resolved the issue of a PowerShell error as “Missing an argument for parameter ‘Year’. Specify a parameter of type ‘System.Int32’ and try again.” which is appearing in the Visual Studio Code.

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