How to Create Dataverse View

Do you have any experience with Dataverse view creation? Additionally, do you know how to utilize the Dataverse table view in the Power Apps Canvas app, too? If not, read the whole Dataverse Tutorial to learn how to interact with the Dataverse Views.

  • What is Dataverse View?
  • How to Create a Dataverse View
  • How to Filter Dataverse Views
  • Remove filters from Dataverse View
  • How to Delete Views in Dataverse Table
  • How to use Dataverse View in Power Apps

What is Dataverse View?

  • It is better to design a view in order to choose which table rows and columns to display on a site. A Dataverse View is a term used to describe creating a view in a Microsoft Dataverse table.
  • A portion of table data is known as views. The Views tab shows all of the views in the environment that are connected to the specific table, as well as the views that are utilized in the site’s embedded lists.
  • The Dataverse view designer opens when you choose an existing view (or create a new one), allowing you to specify the view.
  • Before using views to build list components on pages, you must ensure that the modifications you make to them have been published.

To understand how a simple Dataverse view screen appears, please check the image below.

How to create a view in Dataverse table
How to create a view in Dataverse table
  • The view will show up in the view designer, where the following features may be used to customize it.
BackGo back to the previous page.
View columnShow the list of table columns in which you may do a search and choose one to display.
UndoUndo the most recent update.
RedoRevert the last modification you reverse.
ValidateTo determine whether the present view configuration might have any effects on performance, run a checker.
SaveSave the view changes.
Save asIt makes a duplicate of the current view when the view configuration is saved with a different name.
PublishTo utilize the view while creating a list on a page, publish it.

Dataverse View Properties:

On the right panel, you may change several view properties, including the View Name and Description.

Sort by:

A set of columns that will be utilized to sort the view can be added.

Edit filters:

Additionally, you may add filters to your screen to display particular data. To use the expression designer and define columns and column groupings to filter your view data, select the Edit filters link.

  • You may also change the following by selecting the view column heading.
Dataverse create table view
Dataverse create table view
Edit PropertiesBy specifying the width in pixels, you may adjust the column’s width.
Sort A to ZYou may set the sorting to be in alphabetical order as ascending.
Sort Z to AYou may set the sorting to be in alphabetical order as descending.
Then filter byIn order to filter the view, enter a value.
Clear filtersWhen you use this field to filter, this option will appear. Click this option if you want to get rid of the filter.
Insert view columnTo the view, add a table column.
Move LeftIn the view design, slide the column to the left.
Move RightIn the view design, slide the column to the right.
RemoveRemoving the column from the view does not remove it from the table.

Dataverse Create View

Let’s start with how to create a view in a Dataverse Table.

  • The below screenshot represents a Dataverse Custom table named “Car Details“. This table has four columns with various data types, such as:
  1. Car Name = This is a Primary Single line of text column in the dataverse table (Car Details). I just renamed it to Car Name.
  2. Price = This is a column with Currency Data type
  3. Color = This specifies a column with Choice Data type having choices like Black, White, Silver, Blue, Red, etc.
  4. Country = This is also a Choice column with different choices like Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Germany, etc.
Dataverse Create View
Dataverse Create View
  • To create a new view for this dataverse table (Car Details), click on Views under the Data experiences section.
Create view in dataverse
Create view in dataverse
  • The Dataverse table view page will then open, displaying all of the default views for that particular table. To create a new custom view, click on the + New view button at the top of the page.
How to Create View in Dataverse
How to Create View in Dataverse
  • Give the new dataverse view a name and a description. Click on “Create“.
create view in dataverse table
create view in dataverse table
  • The Dataverse primary column name (Car Name) will automatically appear on the view page when you first create it. Refer to the screenshot below.
How to create dataverse view
How to create dataverse view
  • Let’s assume we want to display “Country” in the Dataverse view as a further field. To find the Country field, click on the + View column, then choose it from the View column section.
Create a view in Dataverse table
Create a view in Dataverse table
  • We can include each of the remaining Dataverse columns (like Country, Price, and Color) into the new view in the same manner. The Dataverse view screen will look as can be seen here.
How to create a view in Dataverse table
How to create a view in Dataverse table

This is how to create a view in a Dataverse table.

Also read: Dataverse create table from SharePoint list

How to Filter Dataverse Views

Next, we will see how to filter the dataverse views in the Dataverse table. As we can see, all the Dataverse table columns are ready to be used in views. Let’s take a simple scenario.

  • I want to filter the Cars in the table views below that are from Germany country. That indicates that only Germany records will be available for viewing.
  • To work around this, click on the “Edit filters …” option on the right side of the page view. The message reads “No filters are present” because, as previously, no records are filtered for viewing purposes.
How to Filter Dataverse View
Filter Dataverse View
  • After that, click + Add to display the three choices that are available:
  1. Add row = We can use this option to insert a new row.
  2. Add group = To add a new group, we can use the Add group option.
  3. Add related table = We can use this option to insert a related table.
  • Hence, we are going to filter the country column, that’s why we need to insert a new row. Click on Add row option -> Select Country Equals Germany -> Tap on Ok as shown below.
How to Filter Dataverse View
How to Filter Dataverse View
  • When it’s finished, the Dataverse view will display all of the filtered Germany records. Additionally, if you want to add one more filter, then the same process needs to be followed. Tap on the Edit filters option to add a second filter in the Dataverse view.
Dataverse filter table views
Dataverse filter table views
  • I want to display the records with Car Prices of more than 8000000 in the second filter. To achieve this, repeat, add a new row and specify that the Price Is greater than 8,000,000 as in the below screenshot. Click on the Ok button as well.
How to filter views in dataverse
How to filter views in dataverse
  • Finally, the dataverse view is filtered with multiple filters as shown in the below image. Save and Publish the Dataverse view when you’ve finished everything.
Dataverse filter view
Dataverse filter view

This is how to filter dataverse views in the Dataverse table.

Check: Filter Dataverse Choice Column [With Various Examples]

How to Remove filters from Dataverse View

Suppose you want to delete the applied filters from the Dataverse view. In that case, you can use three different approaches to remove the filter from the dataverse table view. such as:

Method – 1:

  • On the Dataverse View page, you can remove the filter directly by using the “Cancel” icon below. For example, we want to delete the second applied filter where the Price is greater than 8000000.
  • We may do this by going directly to that view (Price more than 8000000 under the Filter by section) and clicking the Cancel icon. Then the filter will be removed from the Dataverse view.
Remove filters from Dataverse View
Remove filters from Dataverse View

This method of removing the filter from the Dataverse view is preferable because it is effortless and quick to do.

Method – 2:

  • Another approach that we can readily use is this one. This Price column has been utilized where the Price is greater than 8000000.
  • Therefore, we may remove this filter from the Price column. Expand the column and tap on the Clear filters option to remove the filter from the dataverse view. After then, the particular price filter got deleted from the dataverse view.
How to clear filter from Dataverse view
How to clear filter from Dataverse view

Method – 3:

  • Secondly, in this method, we can use the Edit Filters option to delete the filter from the Dataverse view.
  • On the Dataverse view page, click the Edit filters option under the Filter by… section. Then, go to the specific filter (Price is greater than 8000000) -> More commands option () -> Delete -> Ok.
  • After that, the specific dataverse filter will be cleared from the Dataverse view.
How to Remove filters from Dataverse View
How to Remove filters from Dataverse View

These are the various approaches to remove filters from the Dataverse View.

Check: How to Upload images to Dataverse from Power Apps

How to Delete Views in Dataverse Table

Now we will see how we can remove or delete unwanted views from the dataverse table.

  • To work around this, go to the specific Dataverse table (suppose Car Details) -> Click on the Views option under the Data experiences section.
  • On the Views page, select the specific view that you want to delete (Let’s say Germany Cars) -> More commands (…) -> Tap on Delete as shown below.
  • Also, you can directly select the view and delete it by using the top bar Delete button. Then that particular view will be removed from the dataverse view.
Delete dataverse view
Delete dataverse view

This is how to Delete Views in the Dataverse Table.

Also check: Delete All Records From Dataverse Table [With Examples]

How to Use Dataverse View in Power Apps

Do you wonder how to use the dataverse view in the Power Apps Canvas app? Let us follow the simple scenario below.

  • In the above example, we already created a dataverse table view in the Dataverse table (Car Details). Now we would like to display this dataverse view in a Power Apps Data table control.
  • Open Power Apps and create a blank canvas app (Apps or + Create -> Expand + New app -> Canvas).
  • Provide an App name (Dataverse View in Power Apps) and choose the app Format either Tablet or Phone. Click on Create as below.
How to Use Dataverse View in Power Apps
How to Use Dataverse View in Power Apps
  • Now the Power Apps canvas app will be ready to use. To work with the Dataverse view in Power Apps, first, we need to add the Dataverse table connection to the app.
  • Click on the Add data button (from the top command bar) or the Data tab from the left navigation bar. Select the specific Dataverse table (Car Details) under the Tables section and then the table has been added to the canvas app.
  • Once the table has been added to the app, you can utilize the More option to access all three of the below-mentioned properties:
  1. Edit data = If you want to modify the dataverse table, you can use this option.
  2. Refresh = Choose this option if you want to reload the dataverse table. You must also refresh the dataverse table whenever you make changes to the dataverse table.
  3. Remove = Click on this option if you want to delete the dataverse table from the Power Apps Canvas app.
Dataverse View in Power Apps
Dataverse View in Power Apps
  • Then, insert a Data table control into the Power Apps screen (Insert -> Search Data table in search bar -> Select Data table (preview) under the Layout section). The screen will display a blank data table as seen in the image below.
powerapps filter dataverse view
powerapps filter dataverse view
  • Select the Data table control -> Go to the Properties tab -> Select the Data source as “Car Details” (Dataverse table).
dataverse views in canvas app
dataverse views in canvas app
  • Next, add the dataverse table fields that you want to display in the Power Apps data table control. To do this, click on Edit fields -> + Add field -> Choose fields those who want to view in the data table (like Country, Price, etc.) -> Select Add.
Use Dataverse View in PowerApps
Use Dataverse View in PowerApps
  • Below represents the Power Apps screen that looks after adding all the fields into the data table. You can see, there is a property called Views (on the right side under the Properties tab).
  • Because there isn’t a view assigned to the Data table at the moment, the None option is displayed under Views.
How to use Dataverse View in PowerApps
How to use Dataverse View in PowerApps
  • To use the dataverse view (Germany Cars) in the Power Apps Data table control, select the data table -> Properties -> Select a view name (Germany Cars) from the Views field as shown below.
  • The Power Apps data table will then be filtered using the selected dataverse view and will appear as seen in the following snapshot. Also, we can see the Items property of the data table contains the filtered formula below:
Items = Filter('Car Details', 'Car Details (Views)'.'Germany Cars')


  1. Car Details‘ = Dataverse table name
  2. Germany Cars‘ = Dataverse View name
Filter dataverse view in power apps
Filter dataverse view in power apps
  • Next, what procedure would you need to follow to show the view in the data table if you wanted to make any modifications to the dataverse table view later on? Let’s follow the scenario below.
  • The below dataverse view contains two filters i.e.
  1. Country is equal to Germany
  2. Price greater than 8000000
  • Here, we will clear the second filter, i.e., Price greater than 8000000 from the Dataverse table (Car Details). The displays appear like the one below once the filter has been removed, and the view will only operate with the first filter.
  • Additionally, after making all the necessary changes, be sure to save and publish the dataverse view. Otherwise, the data table won’t be impacted by the modifications.
How to filter dataverse view in powerapps
How to filter dataverse view in powerapps
  • To use the modified dataverse view in Power Apps, go to the specific canvas app and refresh the dataverse table (Car Details). We can refresh the dataverse table by using the Data tab option (from the left navigation). Also, we can reload the data table from the right-side Data source property.
Use Dataverse View in Power Apps
Use Dataverse View in Power Apps
  • After that, we need to refresh the Views field from the Properties pane. Select the Data table -> click on More () -> Refresh.
Dataverse View in Power Apps Datatable
Dataverse View in Power Apps Datatable
  • We may see the table records as shown below after the Power Apps table refresh is complete.
Power Apps Filter Dataverse View
Power Apps Filter Dataverse View

This is how to work with Power Apps Filter Dataverse View.

Also, you may like the below Dataverse and Power Apps tutorials:

This Microsoft Dataverse tutorial explains what is View in Dataverse, and how to create a Dataverse table view. Also, we covered the topics below:

  • How to Filter Dataverse Views
  • Remove filters from Dataverse View
  • How to Delete Views in Dataverse Table
  • How to use Dataverse View in Power Apps
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