How to Split an Array into Smaller Arrays in PowerShell?

Recently, while working on a PowerShell automation task, I got a requirement to split an array into smaller arrays in PowerShell. In this PowerShell tutorial, I will explain how to split an array into smaller arrays in PowerShell.

To split an array into smaller arrays in PowerShell, you can use a loop to iterate over the elements and collect them into sub-arrays. Here’s a concise example using a for loop:

$originalArray = 1..20
$size = 5
$smallerArrays = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $originalArray.Count; $i += $size) { $originalArray[$i..($i+$size-1)] }

This snippet creates an array $originalArray, defines a chunk size $size, and then uses a for loop to slice the original array into smaller arrays of the specified size, which are stored in $smallerArrays.

Split an Array into Smaller Arrays in PowerShell

Before diving into splitting arrays, it’s important to understand what an array is. In PowerShell, an array is a data structure that stores a collection of items. These items can be of any data type, and you can access them by referring to their index number, which starts at 0.

For example, here’s how you can create an array in PowerShell:

$myArray = @(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Method 1: Using Loops to Split an Array

The most straightforward way to split an array into smaller arrays is by using loops in PowerShell. You can use a for loop to iterate over the elements and group them into new arrays.

Here’s a simple example:

function Split-Array {

    $result = @()
    $group = @()

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ArrayToSplit.Length; $i++) {
        $group += $ArrayToSplit[$i]
        if (($i + 1) % $Size -eq 0 -or $i -eq $ArrayToSplit.Length - 1) {
            $result += ,@($group)
            $group = @()

    return $result

# Example usage:
$originalArray = @(1..20)
$splitArrays = Split-Array -ArrayToSplit $originalArray -Size 5

This function Split-Array takes an array and the desired size of the smaller arrays as inputs. It then groups elements into new arrays and adds these to the result array.

You can see the output in the screenshot below after I ran the code using VS code:

powershell split array into smaller arrays

Method 2: Using the Range Operator and Array Slicing

Another method to split an array is by using the range operator and array slicing in PowerShell. This is a more concise way to achieve the same result without explicitly using loops.

Here’s an example:

function Split-Array {

    $result = @()

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ArrayToSplit.Length; $i += $Size) {
        $result += ,@($ArrayToSplit[$i..($i + $Size - 1)])

    return $result

# Example usage:
$originalArray = 1..20
$splitArrays = Split-Array -ArrayToSplit $originalArray -Size 5

In this function, the range operator .. is used to create a sub-array of the desired size, which is then added to the result array.

Method 3: Using Custom PowerShell Functions

Sometimes, you might find that you need a more flexible or powerful solution. In that case, you can write a custom PowerShell function to split your array.

Here is a complete PowerShell script for splitting an array into smaller arrays using a custom function. This example assumes a function that takes two parameters: the array to be split and the size of the smaller arrays. It then processes the array and returns an array of arrays.

function Split-Array {

    $result = @()
    $index = 0

    while ($index -lt $ArrayToSplit.Length) {
        $end = $index + $Size
        if ($end -gt $ArrayToSplit.Length) {
            $end = $ArrayToSplit.Length

        $result += ,@($ArrayToSplit[$index..($end - 1)])
        $index += $Size

    return $result

# Example usage:
$originalArray = 1..20
$splitArrays = Split-Array -ArrayToSplit $originalArray -Size 5

# Output the result
$splitArrays | ForEach-Object { Write-Output $_ }

In this script, the Split-Array function uses a while loop to iterate over the original array in chunks defined by the $Size parameter. It slices the array within the loop and adds each chunk as a sub-array to the result. The example usage demonstrates how to call this function with an array of numbers from 1 to 20, splitting it into smaller arrays of size 5. The last line outputs each of the smaller arrays to the console.

Method 4: Using .NET Methods

PowerShell is built on top of .NET, which means you can leverage .NET classes and methods to perform various tasks, including splitting an array.

For example, you can use the System.Array class to create, manipulate, and manage arrays. Though there isn’t a direct method to split an array in the .NET framework, you can create a function that utilizes .NET methods to achieve this:

function Split-Array {

    $result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ArrayToSplit.Length; $i += $Size) {
        $chunk = [System.Array]::CreateInstance($ArrayToSplit.GetType().GetElementType(), $Size)
        [System.Array]::Copy($ArrayToSplit, $i, $chunk, 0, $Size)

    return $result.ToArray()

# Example usage:
$originalArray = [int[]](1..20)
$splitArrays = Split-Array -ArrayToSplit $originalArray -Size 5

In this example, the System.Array::CreateInstance method is used to create a new array of the specified size, and the System.Array::Copy method is used to copy a portion of the original array into the new array.


Splitting an array into smaller arrays in PowerShell can be achieved through several methods, each with its own advantages. PowerShell allows you to manipulate arrays to suit your needs, whether you choose to use loops, range operators, custom functions, or .NET methods.

In this PowerShell tutorial, I have explained how to split an array into smaller arrays in PowerShell using the below methods:

  • Using Loops to Split an Array
  • Using the Range Operator and Array Slicing
  • Using Custom PowerShell Functions
  • Using .NET Methods

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