Power Apps Data Table URL

I recently worked on a project where I had to give clickable links to a Power Apps Data table control. Additionally, whenever a user clicks on the link to the relevant website within the data table control, it should also open in a new tab in the browser. Isn’t it so amazing?

Yes, In this Power Apps tutorial, I will elaborate in detail on Power Apps Data Table Url, how we can add a hyperlink to a Power Apps Data table control, and its uses.

Let’s discuss the scenario below.

Power Apps Data Table URL

  • There is a SharePoint list called Blog Sites, having the columns below with different data types. Such as:
ColumnData type
TitleSingle line of text
Site RankSingle line of text
Active Or InactiveYes/no
  • Here, the URLs column is a Hyperlink column, and each item has a specific website link/URL. Refer to the image below.
Power Apps Data Table Url
  • Next, create a Power Apps blank canvas app and connect this SharePoint list [Blog Sites] connector to the app.
  • Add a Data table control and set its Items and Data source property to the SharePoint list as:
DataSource = 'Blog Sites'
Power Apps Data table add hyperlink
  • Now, you can see the SharePoint list hyperlink column [URLs] has been added to the Power Apps Data table control without facing any errors or difficulties. Because it is a URL column, the data table also automatically takes this column as a URL.
  • When you select this hyperlink column, you can see its Text property will be like this:
Text = ThisItem.URLs


URLs = SharePoint Hyperlink Column

PowerApps Data Table Url
  • Also, it works smoothly. When we click on a specific link from the data table, the specific website will open in a new tab in the browser, as shown below.
Power Apps Data table hyperlink

However, the issue arises from how to create a hyperlink in a Power Apps Data table control for a SharePoint column that has only a single line of text. Additionally, it is a regular occurrence for us never to get a SharePoint column with a hyperlink data type.

How to Add Hyperlink to Power Apps Data Table [Using SharePoint Text Column]

In the example below, I will show you how to add a hyperlink to the Power Apps Data Table with the SharePoint list text column.

  • On the above same SharePoint list [Blog Sites], I have added a column named Site URL with a single line of text data type. I want to make the Site URL field values clickable in the Power Apps data table control.
How to Add Hyperlink to Power Apps Data Table

To achieve this, follow the steps below:

  • On Power Apps, select the Data table control and set its Items property to the SharePoint list as: [if not before]
Items = 'Blog Sites'
Add Hyperlink to Power Apps Data Table
  • Once you select the Site URL column, you can see its Text property will be like:
Text = ThisItem.'Site URL'

Here, the Site URL is a SharePoint single line of text column.

Add Hyperlink to PowerApps Data Table
  • Next, you must enable the Is hyperlink property of the Site URL column. Select the field from the data table -> go to Properties -> Toggle on to the Is hyperlink property as shown below.
  • When you enable this setting, the values entered in the URL box will be highlighted in blue.
power apps data table hyperlink column
  • Select the OnSelect property of the Site URL field and apply the code below:
OnSelect = Launch(tblBlogs.Selected.'Site URL')


  1. Launch = Power Apps Lunch function allows you to launch web pages, apps, and other services on your device.
  2. tblBlogs = Data table control name
  3. ‘Site URL’ = Specify the data table column name you want to make clickable.
PowerApps Data table hyperlink
  • That’s it to do. Finally, save, publish, and Preview the app. Once you click on any link from the Site URL field, the specific link will open in a new browser, as shown below.
How to add link in Power Apps Data table

This way, we can add a hyperlink or URL to a Power Apps Data table control.


Now, I hope you have some idea of what a Power Apps Data table URL is and how to add a SharePoint hyperlink column to a Power Apps Data table column.

Also, I have explained how to add a hyperlink to the Power Apps Data Table with the SharePoint text column with a simple scenario.

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