Power Apps Naming Conventions [Standards & Guidelines]

As a Power Apps beginner, you should know and follow the Power Apps naming convention when building Power Apps applications.

In this Power Apps tutorial, I will explain the Power Apps naming conventions for classic and modern controls, including screens, collections, variables, and data source names.

Power Apps Naming Conventions

The Power Apps naming conventions set rules for naming things. Naming conventions for Power Apps Canvas Apps can help maintain consistency and readability in your application.

We can use clear and consistent naming conventions to navigate and understand the purpose of each element in your app. It can also make it easier to identify and resolve issues with the app.

Power Apps naming convention is well-structured, maintainable, and scalable, which can help you save time and run a long time.

For example, you want to create a Power Apps app using three different screens, in this case, you can follow the below naming conventions for Power Apps screens. Follow the below screenshot:

Browse Screen

Details Screen

Edit Screen
Power Apps Naming Conventions

Power Apps Control Names [Claasic and Modern]

The Power Apps control name is used to identify the control type, making it easier to understand the control’s purpose. Here, you can use the camel case and underscore [_] for spacing.

Have a look at the table below to get the list of classic and modern controls and their prefixes:

Name of the ControlPrefix
Add Picturepic
Address Inputadd
3D object3do
Barcode readerbar
Combo boxcmb
Date pickerdte
HTML texthtm
Information buttonifm
List boxlst
Measuring cameramcm
Microsoft Streamstr
Number inputnmr
PDF viewerpdf
Pen inputpen
Power BI tilepbi
Rich text editorrte
Text inputtxt
Tab listtbl
power apps control naming conventions

Power Apps Screen Names

Power Apps Screen names describe the purpose of the screen (1-2 words suffixed by the word “Screen”) and navigate the different screens within the app. Also, remember to use simple language, no abbreviations, and include a space in the name.


Correct ExamplesIn Correct ExamplesReason
Browse ScreenBrowseDon’t miss the word “Screen”
Details ScreenDetailsScreenInclude the space in the name
New Record ScreenNewRecScreenDon’t use abbreviations
Edit ScreeneditScreenIt is not friendly to read
power apps screen naming convention

Power Apps Collection Names

Power Apps collection is used to store and manage the data. We can use the collection name to communicate the data source of the table and identify the purpose of the collection. Here, you can use a camel case with no space between each word, and you can write the collection name with its prefix [“col“].

Correct ExampleIn Correct ExampleReason
colSPProductscolProductsMention data source name
colDVITLeadesColDiITLeadesIt is not friendly to read
colNavigationMenucol Navigation MenuDon’t Include the space in the name
power apps collection naming conventions

Power Apps Variable Names

Power Apps Variables is a temporary usage that we can use anywhere in the app. Variable names are used to describe a variable’s scope, data type, and purpose. Here, you can use a camel case with no space between each word.


In Power Apps, we can use the Global variable to entaire the app and Local variable can be used in within the screen only.
Variable NameAbbreviationDeclaration Function
Global VariablegblSet() Function
Local VariablelocUpdateContext() Function
power apps solution naming convention

Power Apps Data Source Names

Power Apps data source names describe their purpose. There is no word limit, but keep it short. You can also use the singular form of the word and a proper use case.

Correct ExampleIn Correct ExampleReason
CustomercusDon’t use the plural, and use space between the words
Marketing ProjectProjectsMentioned what type of projects
Employee RegistrationEmployeeRegistrationDon’t use plural, and use space between the words
power apps naming standards

Power Apps AI Capabilities Names

Power Apps AI capabilities empower developers to integrate artificial intelligence functionalities seamlessly into their applications, enhancing user experiences.


AI CapabilitiesPrefix
Barcode scannerbar
Business card readerbcr
Form processorfpr
Object detectorobd
Text Recognizertxt
Power Apps AI Capabilities Names

This is how we can work with the Power Apps naming conventions.

I trust this article is useful for you. If you don’t know how to give the naming conventions to the Power Apps screens, controls, variables, collections, etc, you can follow the above examples to do it.

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