Power Apps Left Navigation Component – How to Build

I developed a Power Apps application for leave management a few weeks ago. Since I had to switch between the screens there constantly, I made a left navigation component so that users could do it quickly.

In this tutorial, I will explain how to create a Power Apps left navigation component step by step.

Create Power Apps Left Navigation Component

If we want to use the same controls in Power Apps on every screen, we can use a component rather than repeatedly using the same controls. Once a left menu component is created in Power Apps, it can be used repeatedly across several screens.

In the example below, you can see that my Power Apps application has a left navigation component for each screen. Thus, I can easily navigate between the screens.

power apps left navigation menu component

To achieve this, follow the steps below!

1. Open the Power Apps application -> On Tree view -> Select Components -> Then, click on +New component. It will create a component and rename the component like “LeftNavigationMenu.”

power apps left navigation component

2. Set the Height property of the LeftNavigationMenu component with the below formula.

Max(App.Height, App.DesignHeight)

This formula takes the screen’s full height.

power apps navigation menu component

3. Add a Hamburger menu icon to the Power Apps component. Then, adjust the icon’s height, width, and padding properties with the values below.

Height: 70
Width: 70
Left padding: 15
Right padding: 15
Top padding: 15
Bottom: 15
power apps hamburger menu component

4. Provide the below formula in the OnSelect property of the Hamburger menu icon.


We’re using this formula for opening and closing the left navigation component based on the click on this icon. This formula always sets true and false values for the varMenu variable.

power apps hamburger menu component example

5. Open the Properties of the LeftNavigationmenu component ->Under Custom properties -> Click on +New custom property -> After providing the below details ->Click on Create.

  • Name: Provide the name of the custom property.
  • Description: Description of the custom property.
  • Property type: Output
  • Data type: Number
power apps left navigation menu component

6. Save the changes and provide the formula below in the custom property [ MenuWidth] of the LeftNavigationMenu component.

If(varMenu,Max(App.Width, App.DesignWidth)/10,75)

If this width is not enough for your component you can adjust the values like below.

If(varMenu,Max(App.Width, App.DesignWidth)/10+60,75)
power apps create navigation menu component

7. Then, provide the formula below in the Width property of the LeftNavigationMenu component.

power apps vertical navigation menu component

8. To test the component in Power Apps screens, provide some color to its Fill property. Then, open Screens -> Click on the +Insert tab to import the component into the screen -> Under Custom -> Select LeftNavigationMenu.

how to import component in power apps

9. Now, preview the app once. You can see the component width will change dynamically based on the hamburger icon click.

power apps components examples

Now, we’ll see how to add the remaining icons for navigating between the screens.

10. Add a Power Apps Blank Vertical Gallery control to the component. Then, add the following formulas to its height and width properties.

Height: Parent.Height-Ico_HamMenu.Height
Width: Parent.Width
left navigation component creation in power apps

11. Add a Rectangle to the gallery within the Power Apps component. Then, set its HeightWidth, and Y properties with the values below. Also, set the Gallery Control’s Template size property with the value below.

//Rectangle properties
Height: 60
Width: 6

//Gallery property
Template size: 80

12. Then, add any one Icon to the gallery control within the Power Apps component. After adding, set its following properties with the below values.

Height: Parent.TemplateHeight
Width: 60
X: 10
Y: 0
Left Padding: 10
Right Padding: 10
Top Padding: 10
Bottom Padding: 10

So, when the left navigation width increases or decreases, the icon’s positions won’t change, and they will be visible.

power apps create left navigation menu component

13. To display the icon’s usage, add a Text label. Then, set its properties with the values below.

Height: Parent.TemplateHeight
width: Parent.Width
LeftPadding: 75
Font size:16
power apps create vertical navigation menu component name

14. Add another custom property to the left navigation menu component in Power Apps. For adding different icons and navigation things, etc.

Open component Properties pane -> +New custom property -> Provide the below values for the properties -> Click on Create.

  • Display name: NavigationItems [Change the display name according to your needs].
  • Name: NavigationItems [By default, it takes the display name. If you don’t need it, change it].
  • Description: Provide the usage of creating this property.
  • Property type: Input
  • Data type: Table
how to create vertical navigation menu component in power apps

15. Open the newly created custom property [NavigationItems] of the LeftNavigationMenu component. Replace the code below with the default one.

        Title: "New Request",
        Screen: App.ActiveScreen,
        Icon: Icon.Add
        Title: "My Requests",
        Screen: App.ActiveScreen,
        Icon: Icon.AddLibrary
        Title: "My Leave Balance",
        Screen: App.ActiveScreen,
        Icon: Icon.Health
        Title: "Company Holidays",
        Screen: App.ActiveScreen,
        Icon: Icon.DocumentWithContent
        Title: "All Requests",
        Screen: App.ActiveScreen,
        Icon: Icon.DetailList

This formula contains three parameters,

  • Title: This parameter is for representing the usage of icons in the left navigation component.
  • Screen: It represents the screen name.
  • Icon: It represents the icon.
how to build power apps left navigation component

16. Provide the formula below in the Items property of the gallery within the Power Apps component.

create power apps navigation menu component

17. For the icon present within the gallery, provide the formula below in its Icon property.

Icon: ThisItem.Icon

Also, provide the formula below in the OnSelect property of the same icon in the gallery.

OnSelect: Navigate(ThisItem.Screen)
how to create power apps vertical navigation menu component

18. Provide the formula below in the Text property of the text label present within the gallery.

Text: ThisItem.Title
built power apps vertical navigation menu component

19. Select the text label and rectangle within the gallery and set its OnSelect property with the formula below.

OnSelect: Select(Icon_Nav)

Here, Icon_Nav is the icon name that is present in the gallery.

how to built a responsive left navigation component in power apps

20. Provide the formula below in the OnStart property of the Power Apps’s App object.

        Title: "New Request",
        Screen: NewRequest_Screen,
        Icon: Icon.Add
        Title: "My Requests",
        Screen: Modified_MyRequestScreen,
        Icon: Icon.AddLibrary
        Title: "My Leave Balance",
        Screen: MyleaveBalance_Screen,
        Icon: Icon.Health
        Title: "Company Holidays",
        Screen: CompanyHoliday_screen,
        Icon: Icon.DocumentWithContent
        Title: "All Requests",
        Screen: 'All_Request Screen',
        Icon: Icon.DetailList

Here, we’re changing the screen names in our Power Apps application for the Screen parameter within the table.

power apps built a left navigation menu component

21. Now add this left navigation component on all the screens where you want and provide the below collection in its NavigationItems property.

NavigationItems: colNav
how to create a power apps component

Now save changes and preview the app. In Power Apps, you can navigate between screens by selecting the icons in the left navigation component.

I hope you understand how to create a Power Apps left navigation component with menu icons. You can follow this article while trying to create a left navigation component in Power Apps to avoid adding the same controls on each screen for navigating.

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