How to Create Status Indicator Using Power Apps?

A few days ago, I developed a dashboard for leave management applications in Power Apps. It includes three levels of approvals, and the leave request will be sent from the initial requester to the final requester.

Here, I was required to create a Power Apps status indicator to visualize the status of leave requests so that users could easily track their request’s stage.

In this article, we discuss how to create status indicator using Power Apps.

Create Status Indicator Using Power Apps

In the leave management Power Apps application, the leave request needs to be approved by three approvers,

  • Team Lead
  • Line Manager
  • HR manager

Only once all the approvers are approved is the leave approved. If anyone is rejected, then the leave status is denied. The dashboard below shows the status indicator with the check, cancel, and information icons on top of the approvers so users can easily track their leave status.

How to Create Status Indicator using PowerApps

Here, I have a SharePoint list named Employee Leave Request, which stores all employee’s leave requests.

powerapps status indicator

It has the following columns, and its data types are:

Column NameData Type
Leave TitleTitle(Single line of text)
Employee NamePerson
Leave TypeChoice(Vacation Leave,Compensation Leave,Sick Leave)
Leave Start DateDate & Time
Leave End DateDate & Time
Team LeadPerson
Line ManagerPerson
HR ManagerPerson
Team Lead ApprovalChoice(Approved, Rejected, Pending)
Line Manager ApprovalChoice(Approved, Rejected, Pending)
HR Manager ApprovalChoice(Approved, Rejected, Pending)
Follow the steps below!

1. In Power Apps, add gallery control and provide the below list name in its Items property.

'Employee Leave Request'
how to display status bar in power apps

2. Add the following controls to the Power Apps gallery.

  • Three Image controls
  • Rectangle
  • Three Check Badge icons

To get the images of approvers, provide the formulas below on the Image property of the Power Apps image controls.

Team Lead:

ThisItem.'Team Lead'.Picture

Line Manager:

ThisItem.'Line Manager'.Picture

HR Manager:

ThisItem.'HR Manager'.Picture
how to show progress bar in power apps

3. Provide the below formulas on the Icon property of each icon.

Icon for Team Lead :

Icon = If(
    ThisItem.'Team Lead Approval'.Value = "Pending",
    ThisItem.'Team Lead Approval'.Value = "Approved",
    ThisItem.'Team Lead Approval'.Value = "Rejected",

Icons will be displayed based on the team lead’s status.

Icon for Line Manager :

Icon = If(
    ThisItem.'Line Manager Approval'.Value = "Pending",
    ThisItem.'Line Manager Approval'.Value = "Approved",
    ThisItem.'Line Manager Approval'.Value = "Rejected",

Icon for HR Manager :

Icon = If(
    ThisItem.'HR Manager Approval'.Value = "Pending",
    ThisItem.'HR Manager Approval'.Value = "Approved",
    ThisItem.'HR Manager Approval'.Value = "Rejected",
power apps progress bar in gallery

4. In the icon’s Color property, provide the formulas below to differentiate the icon’s color based on its status value.

Team Lead Icon:

Color = If(
    ThisItem.'Team Lead Approval'.Value = "Pending",
    ThisItem.'Team Lead Approval'.Value = "Approved",
    ThisItem.'Team Lead Approval'.Value = "Rejected",

Colors will be applied to icons based on the team lead status values.

Line Manager Icon:

Color = If(
    ThisItem.'Line Manager Approval'.Value = "Pending",
    ThisItem.'Line Manager Approval'.Value = "Approved",
    ThisItem.'Line Manager Approval'.Value = "Rejected",

HR Manager Icon:

Color =If(
    ThisItem.'HR Manager Approval'.Value = "Pending",
    ThisItem.'HR Manager Approval'.Value = "Approved",
    ThisItem.'HR Manager Approval'.Value = "Rejected",
how to show approval status in powerapps

5. Provide the values below for the properties of a rectangle within the Power Apps gallery. Then, send it back as in the image below.

X = 74
Y = 146
Height =3
Width =446
display approval status in powerapps

Now, save the changes and publish them once. When the leave request status is updated, the icons and colors will change according to the status value.

Add the text labels and provide the names of approvers, like in the image below, so users can easily understand them.

approval status in dashboard powerapps

I hope you understand how to create the approval status indicator on Power Apps. You can change the code I have provided to match your requirements.

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