Create File in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop

In this Power Automate Desktop tutorial, we will see how to create a file in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop. Also, we will see how to update and delete a SharePoint file using Power Automate Desktop.

Now, we will cover the following topics:

  • How to create File in SharePoint Library using Power Automate Desktop
  • How to update a file in SharePoint using PAD
  • How to move a file from one folder to another in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop
  • How to delete files in SharePoint using PAD

Create a File in SharePoint Library using Power Automate Desktop

Here, we will see how to create a file from SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop.

For example, I have created an Excel and stored it in a folder on a local computer. This Excel file contains employee details, i.e., ID, name, and department. Then, we will create a file in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop

Create File in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop

Step 1: Open Power Automate Desktop, provide the flow name, and click Create.

Microsoft Power Automate Desktop SharePoint file

Step 2: Now we will convert the data from Excel to binary, so drag and drop the Convert file to binary action to workspace. Then provide the below information:

  • File path: Select the File path of the Excel file by clicking on the ‘Select File’ option.
Microsoft Power Automate Desktop create  SharePoint file

Step 3: Then we will create a file in the SharePoint Shared Document library on site; for this, expand the ‘SharePoint section -> drag and drop the ‘Create File’ action. Then provide the below information:

  • Site address: Select the SharePoint site address where you want to create the file.
  • Folder path: Select the Folder path by clicking on the Select file option.
  • File name: Provide the file name.
  • File content: Click on the {x}, select the Binary date, and click Done.
Power Automate Desktop create  SharePoint file

Step 4: Now run the flow by clicking on the Run button. You can see the Excel file is created in SharePoint.

create file sharepoint power automate desktop

This is how to create a File in SharePoint using Power Automate.

How to update a file in SharePoint using PAD

Here, we will see how we can update the Excel file in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop.

We will use the above Employee Excel file; here, we will add some information to the Excel file stored on the local desktop. Then, by using the Update File action, we will update the Excel file in SharePoint.

create file sharepoint power automate desktop

Step 1: In Power Automate Desktop, create a flow, provide the flow name, and click Create.

Power Automate Desktop update SharePoint file

Step 2: As we have already added the updated date in Excel, we will convert the file to binary. Drag and drop the Convert file to binary action to the workspace. Then provide the below information:

  • File path: Select the File path of the Excel file by clicking on the ‘Select File’ option.
Microsoft Power Automate Desktop update SharePoint file

Step 3: Next, we will update the file in SharePoint using Power Automate, so drag and drop the Update File action. Then provide the below information:

  • Site address: Select the SharePoint site address.
  • File identifier: Provide the file identifier.
  • File content: Provide the file content.
update file sharepoint power automate desktop

Step 4: Now run the flow by clicking on the run button, and you can see the date is updated in the SharePoint Excel file.

Microsoft PAD update SharePoint file

This is how to update a file in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop

How to Move files in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop

Here, we will see how to move files in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop

Now let’s say we will move the Excel file from one folder(Shared document) to another (Excel workbook) folder in the same SharePoint site.

For this, we will add more file action to the flow and then provide the below information:

  • Current Site address: Select the Current site address
  • File to move: Select the File to move
  • Destination Site address: Select the Destination Site address
  • Destination Folder: Select the Destination folder.
  • If a file already exists: Select the replace option.
Move files in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop

Then, run the flow, and you can see the file is moved from the Shared Document folder to the Excel workbook folder in SharePoint.

Microsoft Power Automate Desktop Move SharePoint file

This is how to move files from one folder to another folder in the same SharePoint site or a different SharePoint site.

How to delete a file in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop

Here we will see how we can delete files from SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop (PAD).

Let’s say we delete the same Employee Excel file in SharePoint, which we have moved to the Excel workbook folder.

For this, drag and drop the Delete file action to work area. And then provide the information below:

  • Site address: Select or Provide the SharePoint site address.
  • File Identifier: Select or provide the file identifier.
Microsoft Power Automate Desktop delete SharePoint file

Now run the flow and click on save to see if the file is deleted from the SharePoint document library.

Power Automate Desktop delete SharePoint files

This is how to delete a SharePoint file from a document library using Power Automate Desktop.


In this Power Automate desktop tutorial, we saw 4 operations related to the SharePoint file using Power Automate Desktop. These operations are:

  • Create File in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop
  • Update Files in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop
  • Move files in SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop
  • Delete Files from SharePoint using Power Automate Desktop

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