How to Add Hyperlink in Power Apps Gallery?

For those new to PowerApps, many of us do not know how to give a hyperlink to a Power Apps gallery control. However, the process is quite simple and easy. In this Power Apps tutorial, I will explain how to add hyperlinks in Power Apps gallery control in two ways. Such as:

  1. Add Hyperlink in Power Apps Gallery using Launch() Function
  2. How to Add Hyperlink in Power Apps gallery using HTML text

Add Hyperlink in Power Apps Gallery using Launch() Function

Here, we will discuss how to add a hyperlink in the Power Apps gallery using the Launch() function with two different scenarios.

Scenario -1:

1. In Power Apps, I have a Gallery control that contains the Microsoft Power Platform items like “Power Apps“, “Power BI“, and “Power Automate“.

Items = ["Power Apps", "Power BI", "Power Automate" ]
how to add hyperlink in powerapps gallery

2. Now, I would like to apply hyperlinks to the gallery items, make them clickable, and redirect them to the corresponding webpage.

3. For that, select a Text label [Title_PowerPlatform] inside the gallery and set its OnSelect property to the code below.

OnSelect = If(
    Title_PowerPlatform.Text = "Power Apps",
    Title_PowerPlatform.Text = "Power BI",
    Title_PowerPlatform.Text = "Power Automate",


  • If() = This function is used to evaluate multiple unrelated records
  • Title_PowerPlatform = Name of the text label
  • Launch() = This function is used to launch a specific webpage
  • “” = Power Apps WebPage URL
  • “” = Power BI WebPage URL
  • “” = Power Automate WebPage URL
Add hyperlink in powerapps gallery

4. Once the app is ready, Save, Publish, and Preview the app. When a user clicks on a specific record, it will redirect to the corresponding webpage as shown below.

Add hyperlink in powerapps gallery control

This is how to add a hyperlink in the Power Apps gallery using the Launch() function.

Scenario -2:

You can see here that I have a SharePoint Online list named “Digital Platforms” and this list contains the below fields.

Column NameData Type
Title It is a default single line of text
Website URLHyperlink
how to add hyperlink in powerapps gallery control

Now, I want to display these records on a Power Apps gallery and make it Hyperlink field [Website URL] clickable on the gallery using the Launch() function like below.

Add Hyperlink in Power Apps Gallery using Launch() Function

To achieve it, follow the below-mentioned steps. Such as:

1. Create a Blank canvas app -> Connect it to the respective SharePoint list -> Insert a Gallery control and set its Items property as:

Items = 'Digital Platforms'


  • ‘Digital Platforms’ = SharePoint Online List
Hyperlink field in power apps gallery control

2. Now, select the Hyperlink field label [lbl_Hyperlink] and set its OnSelect property as:

OnSelect = Launch(ThisItem.'Website URL')


  • ThisItem = Power Apps gallery selected record
  • ‘Website URL’ = SharePoint list hyperlink field
how to add hyperlink field in power apps gallery

3. Save, Publish, and Preview the app. Whenever the user clicks on the hyperlink field in gallery control, it will redirect to the corresponding webpage as in the screenshot below.

Add Hyperlink in Power Apps Gallery using Launch Function

This is how to add a SharePoint hyperlink field in the Power Apps gallery using the Launch() function.

How to Add Hyperlinks in Power Apps gallery using HTML text?

Let’s see how to add a hyperlink in the Power Apps gallery using ‘HTML text control’ with a simple example.


1. I have a Power Apps gallery control that has some “Training Course Websites” records like [“spguides“, “enjoysharepoint“, “sharepointdotnet“] as shown below.

Items = ["spguides", "enjoysharepoint","sharepointdotnet"]
Add Hyperlink in Power Apps gallery using HTML text

2. Now, I want to add a hyperlink in the gallery control using HTML text control. When a user clicks on a specific link, it will redirect to the corresponding webpage like below.

3. To do so, select the gallery control, insert an HTML text control, and set its HtmlText property to the code below.

HtmlText = If(
    lbl_Website.Text = "spguides",
    "Click here <a href= '' style='Color:blue' > </a>",
    lbl_Website.Text = "enjoysharepoint",
    "Click here <a href= '' style='Color:forestGreen'> </a>",
        lbl_Website.Text = "sharepointdotnet",
        "Click here <a href= '' style='Color:darkorange'> </a>"


  • lbl_Website = Power Apps text label name
  • “Click here <a href= ‘’ style=’Color:blue’ > </a>” = It is an expression that provides the result of if when the condition is true
How to Add Hyperlink in Power Apps gallery using HTML text

4. Once your app is done, Save, Publish, and Preview the app. When the user clicks on the hyperlink in the HTML text control, it will redirect to the specific webpage as shown below.

Add a Hyperlink in Power Apps gallery using HTML text

This is how to add a hyperlink in the Power Apps gallery using HTML text.


I trust this Power Apps tutorial explained in detail information about how to add a hyperlink in the Power Apps gallery, including:

  • Add Hyperlink in Power Apps Gallery using Launch() Function
  • How to Add Hyperlink in Power Apps gallery using HTML text

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