The Best Approach to Add an Image to a PDF Form in Power Apps

I developed some Power Apps business applications for clients like leave management, employee travel requests, etc. In these applications, we must add an approver signature and company logo image on the approval request after approval and save it as a PDF file.

In this article, we will discuss how to add an image to a PDF form in Power Apps using simple steps.

Power Apps Add An Image To A PDF Form

The example below shows an employee travel request containing the team lead’s signature and the company logo image in PDF form. We can achieve this with the Power Apps Print() function.

powerapps add an image to a PDF form

Here is the SharePoint list that contains details on employee travel requests.

power apps add image to pdf form

The above SharePoint list contains the columns with the following data types:

Column NameData Type
Surname And NameTitle
Tracking IDSingle line of text
DateDate & Time
Travel TypeChoice
PhoneSingle line of text
Reason of TravelMultiple lines of text
Departure LocationSingle line of text
Arrival LocationSingle line of text
User IDSingle line of text
Follow the steps below to achieve this!

1. Connect the SharePoint list with the Power Apps application. Then, add one gallery control and provide the list name in its items property. Also, add the formula below to the arrow icons on the OnSelect property in the gallery.

'Employee Travel Requests'
Arrow icon OnSelect =Navigate(Approval_Screen,ScreenTransition.CoverRight)

Here, Approval_Screen is the screen name where we’re displaying the travel request details.

power apps add image to pdf file form

2. Add one Edit form control to display the employee travel request details in the new screen. Provide the formulas below for the given properties.

DataSource ='Employee Travel Requests'
Item = gal_EmpTravelRequests.Selected
Columns =1
Layout =Horizontal
Displaymode =View
add image to power apps pdf document

3. Add three text labels to the screen for the following things.

  • For heading.
  • Notify message for the team lead.
  • For the “Team Lead Signature” label.
how to add image to power apps pdf document

4. To display the company logo, add one image control and select the image from your local device.

powerapps add an image to pdf form

5. For signature purposes, add Pen Input control. Then, preview the app, click on the pen icon on the right, and choose the color to sign.

Return to edit mode and turn Off the Show Controls property on the property pane. Also, provide zero value to border thickness.

add image in power apps pdf

6. Add a button control and provide the formulas below for the given properties.

OnSelect = Print()
Visible = Not(Approval_Screen.Printing)
Text = "Generate PDF"

While saving the approved request with image controls as a PDF file, we use the Not(Approval_Screen.Printing) formula to hide the button control. Here,

  • Approval_Screen = Screen name.
how to add image in power apps pdf

7. Now preview the application, write your signature, and click the generate pdf button. On the print popup browser, make sure under the Printer dropdown, the option is Save as PDF. Click on the Save button to save it on your local machine.

how to insert image in power apps pdf form

This way, we can add image controls to the PDF form in Power Apps.

I hope you understand how to add an image to the Power Apps PDF form. Here, I also explained how to hide controls while saving the pdf file. You can follow this article while trying to add signatures and other images, like the company logo, current user image, etc, on a PDF file in Power Apps.

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