PowerShell Function Return Values

Do you want to know about the PowerShell function return values? In this PowerShell tutorial, I will explain how PowerShell functions handle return values, with examples.

PowerShell Function Return Value

In PowerShell, a function can return a value using the return keyword. However, it’s important to note that PowerShell functions also return values implicitly. This means that any output which is not captured or suppressed will be returned by the function.

Here’s a simple example:

function Get-MultipliedValue {
    param($value1, $value2)
    return $value1 * $value2

$result = Get-MultipliedValue -value1 5 -value2 10
Write-Host "The result is $result"

In this example, the function Get-MultipliedValue takes two parameters and returns their product.

PowerShell Function Return String

Returning a string from a PowerShell function is straightforward. If you output a string without assigning it to a variable, it becomes the return value.


function Get-Greeting {
    return "Hello, $name!"

$greeting = Get-Greeting -name "John"
Write-Host $greeting

This function, Get-Greeting, returns a string that greets the user by name.

Here is you can see the output in the screenshot below:

PowerShell Function Return String

PowerShell Function Return Boolean

A boolean return value is often used to indicate success or failure. Here’s how you can return a boolean from a function:

function Test-IsEven {
    return $number % 2 -eq 0

$isEven = Test-IsEven -number 4
Write-Host "Is the number even? $isEven"

The function Test-IsEven checks whether a number is even and returns $true or $false.

Once you run the PowerShell script, you can see the output in the screenshot below.

PowerShell Function Return Boolean

PowerShell Function Return Multiple Values

You can use an array, a hashtable, or a custom object to return multiple values from a function. Here’s an example using a hashtable in PowerShell:

function Get-MathResults {
    $squared = $number * $number
    $sqrt = [math]::Sqrt($number)
    return @{Squared = $squared; SquareRoot = $sqrt}

$results = Get-MathResults -number 9

This function returns a hashtable with the squared value and the square root of the input number.

You can see the output in the screenshot below after running the code using VS code.

PowerShell Function Return Multiple Values

PowerShell Function Return Array

Arrays are useful when you want to return a collection of items. Here’s how you can return an array from a function:

function Get-EvenNumbers {
    $evenNumbers = 2..$max | Where-Object { $_ % 2 -eq 0 }
    return $evenNumbers

$evenNumbersUpToTen = Get-EvenNumbers -max 10

The Get-EvenNumbers function returns an array of even numbers up to the specified maximum.


PowerShell functions can return values in various ways. Whether you’re returning a single value, a string, a boolean, multiple values using a hashtable, or an array, PowerShell provides the flexibility to handle each scenario. In this PowerShell tutorial, I have explained about the PowerShell return values.

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