How to Get Modern Combo Box Selected Values in Power Apps?

Sometimes, you may want to retrieve the Power Apps Combo box selected values in a gallery or a Label. Getting a single selected value from a modern combo box is relatively easy in Power Apps. But getting multi-selected values from a Power Apps modern combo box is tricky.

In this article, I will describe how to get modern combo box selected values in Power Apps manually and from a SharePoint list.

Get Modern Combo Box Selected Values in Power Apps

Here, we will discuss two approaches to get the Power Apps modern combo box selected values. Such as:

  1. Get Power Apps modern Combo box selected value manually
  2. Get Power Apps modern Combo box value chosen from a SharePoint list

Power Apps Get Modern Combo Box Selected Value [Manually]

The image below represents a modern Power Apps combo box control with some items manually, like Australia, Brazil, etc. Now, whenever a user selects an item(s) from the combo box, we can concatenate all the values and get it in a label control with a comma separator, as shown below.

Get Modern Combo Box Selected Values in Power Apps

1. Insert a Modern combo box and set its Items property as:

Items = ["Australia", "Brazil", "Canada", "Denmark", "France"]

2. Next, from the Properties pane, go to the Display tab -> click Edit from the Fields section -> + Add field -> Select Value -> Click Add.

Get Modern ComboBox Selected Values in Power Apps

3. Add a Text label control and apply the code below on its Text property:

Text = Concat(cmb_Country.SelectedItems, Value, ", ")


  • cmb_Country = Combo box name
  • “, “ = Specify the delimiter

Or you can try the code below:

        Value & ","
            Value & ","
    ) - 1
Get Modern ComboBox Selected Values in PowerApps

Now save, publish, and preview the app. Select values from the Country combo box, and the result appears with a comma separator on the label.

Power Apps Get Single Selected Value From Modern Combo Box

Suppose you want to get the single combo box selected value on a label. The result will be displayed on the label when we choose any specific option from the modern combo box. Here, even if we select multiple values from the combo box, it will only take the last selected value.

Get Modern Combo Box Selected Values in PowerApps

Then, in that case, the code is simple, i.e., [write Label’s Text property]:

Text = cmb_Country.Selected.Value
how to get power apps combobox selected value

This way, we can get the modern combo box single selected value in a Power Apps label.

Power Apps Get Modern Combo Box Selected Value [From SharePoint List]

Then, we will see how to get the Power Apps modern combo box selected values from a SharePoint list (with various fields).

There is a SharePoint list called Client Details that contains various fields like:

ColumnData type
Project NameTitle – Single line of text
Get Power Apps Modern Combo Box Selected Value

Single line text field:

Here, we will get the Power Apps modern combo box selected value from a SharePoint text column.

1. Insert a Modern combo box and set its Items property as:

Items = 'Client Details'.Title


Title = SharePoint Text field

Get PowerApps Modern Combo Box Selected Value

2. Select the combo box -> Display from the Properties pane -> Edit -> + Add field -> Select Title -> Add.

Get PowerApps Modern ComboBox Selected Value

3. Add a label and write the code below on its Text property:

Text = Concat(cmb_Manager.SelectedItems,Title, ", ")


cmb_Manager = Modern Combo box name

Power Apps Get Modern Combo Box Selected Value

Person/People field:

Here, we will get the Power Apps modern combo box selected value from a SharePoint person/people column.

1. Insert a Modern combo box and set its Items property as:

Items = Distinct('Client Details',Manager.DisplayName)


Manager = SharePoint Person field name

2. Select the combo box -> Display from the Properties pane -> Edit -> + Add field -> Select Title -> Add.

Power Apps Get Modern Combo Box Selected Value from SharePoint list

3. Add a Text label and write the code below on its Text property:

Text = Concat(cmb_Manager.SelectedItems,Value, ", ")
Power Apps Get Modern Combo Box Selected Value from sharepoint person field

4. Finally, save, publish, and preview the app. You can view the result in the label once you select multiple managers’ names from the modern combo box, as shown in the image below.

Get Power Apps Modern Combo Box Selected Value from SharePoint list

I hope this article finds you helpful. This way, we can get the selected values manually from the modern combo box and a SharePoint list (including various data types).

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